Day 99

50 7 1

I'm sorry.

Why the bleep did you flip out on me yesterday?

I don't know, I'm just really sorry.

It's ok, little leprechaun.


Yes Gracie?

Are you actually coming over to Ireland to celebrate 100 days?



You're coming over to England to celebrate 100 days.

Will I don't have a plane ticket.

Oh yeah. Well we can celebrate it a different day.

But it should be on 100 days.

It's ok Grace we can always do something on 200 days.

You think I want to text you for another 100 days??

Well I know I wouldn't mind texting you for another 100 days.

Look at you being all smooth like my legs after I shave them.

Great comparison.

Excuse me, girls legs after they shave them are like baby bum soft.

Well I can't say I've touched a baby's bum.

Neither can I actually.

I better go, big day tomorrow.

Yeah...look I'm sorry I didn't get a plane ticket for tomorrow, it slipped my mind.

It's ok Grace.

Goodnight Will.

Goodnight Grace.

100 Day Streak -Kiingtong-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum