Snowfall is Where We Start (Chapter Two)

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Sans' phone buzzed urgently, the sound complemented by a choked snore that broke off into a fit of coughing as he slapped his hand down on where his phone probably was.

He only slammed his hand against the nothingness three times before finally hitting his phone, which he picked up a moment after it'd stopped ringing.

He sighed, the sound garbled by his croaking throat and hidden in a cough that sent his headache spiraling. Sans gripped his eye-sockets, nausea swelling where his stomach most definitely wasn't and lurching him forward.

A long moment passed of staring at the mint-green of his faded bedsheets, as every part of him tried to think.

Why the fuck did he feel so awful?

Part of him felt truly stupid for asking the question. He'd drunk himself ill last night, he knew that much because of the faded memories of a warm crackling sensation and the smell of smoke that always accompanied Grillby's worry.

But the other part of him, the part that knew why he simply went back underground after they'd finally, finally reached the surface... the part that remembered every reset. That part was confused.

It was a given that there'd been a reset. The kid had never left it for long, a day or two maybe, but pacifism seemed to bore them far more quickly than....

Dust, snow, a tattered scarf and blood.

Sans shook his head rid of the images.

The kid must've reset, they always do after they get to the surface. So him getting a little drunk...

His head pounded and he instantly regretted the movement.

Okay, maybe a lot drunk, wasted even, shouldn't have much consequence... right?

Sans stood up, ambling with hunched, sickly movements.

He groaned in pain.

It hadn't had much consequence before, but the world seemed hellbent on finding new and interesting ways to torture him.

Through some level of magic and sheer luck, he made it down the stairs and too the kitchen without tripping, falling, or in any other way damaging himself.

He chugged a full glass of milk before coming up for air, sipping a second slower. This did dull his headache slightly, but as his phone blared, it did not stop him from choking.

Sans answered on the second ring with some garbled combination of 'sup' and 'hey' that didn't even sound like english.

"Finally, nerd! I've called you like, eight times!" Undyne yelled, obviously determined to destroy his ability to hear.

Sans grumbled a reply that not even he fully understood. But half of it was curse words and all of it made the little people that seemed to be kicking and screaming and throwing things in his head all the more angry.


"Yeah yeah, whateva- Listen, I've got news! Papyrus-"



Sans leapt to attention. Had something happened with Papyrus? Was he okay? Where even were they?

Probably at training. Something probably happened at training. Undyne had never bothered to call him before-

"What happened?" Sans asked urgently, he rocked to a standing position, warping to the door and scrambling to pull on his hoodie.

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