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Mikey sat up and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "What are those?" He gently picked up my wrist. (a/n: i swear to god if anyone tries to reference that stupid vine meme im going to kill you LET IT DIE)

I looked at the scars. "When I said I was having thoughts the other day in PE, this was the result."

"Oh." He let go of my arm. "I really hope you're okay. I mean, that's pretty stupid of me say, we're in a mental hospital for crying out loud," He laughed. "But I hope you're getting better in here. You deserve a full life." 

Mikey smiled at me. "In fact...stay here I'll be right back." 

He got up pretty quick and left the day room. Dixie and Lola wiggled their eyebrows across the room at me.

When Mikey came back, he had his journal with him. "So, my first night here, it was late and after lights off so I locked myself in the bathroom and wrote this," He told me.

He handed me his journal. In big bubble letters at the top, it was titled 'Reasons to Be Happy'

 Reasons to Be Happy

 ‌•  comic books, especially The Walking Dead

  •  adorable little puppies

  ‌• old cameras because the sound the shutter makes is amazing

 ‌• overlooks because there's something about being able to see everything

  ‌• best friends who know exactly what to do to make you laugh

 ‌• family time because, well, family

  ‌• hot chocolate, especially on a cold day

  ‌• ice pops, especially on a warm day

 ‌• the beach on one of those perfect beach days

  ‌• road trips, and it doesn't matter who you're with

   • netflix because binge watching is the next best thing 

  ‌• love because it is the best thing

 ‌• long showers, especially the ones that fog up every mirror in the bathroom

  • night swimming because it looks really cool underwater

 ‌• pointless adventures with your best friend

  ‌• starry nights because you get to see something beyond the world for a moment

I looked up at him. "This is really beautiful," I said to him. Mikey looked down and blushed. "Maybe I need to add one more thing," He reached across and grabbed a little golfer pencil.

And he scribbled 'Brooke Delano' 

a/n: mikey's "reasons to be happy" video is my all time favourite from him. it's the video that made me want a future for myself and im just really REALLY thankful for it.  

idk when i'll update again bc im going on a trip early tomorrow morning to arizona and idk when i'll have the time to write

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