Chapter 1 Reality Fading

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It was a hot August night, Diana was sitting on the couch in the living room, when she was startled by a loud thundering and then severely strong rain. Not a minute or two later the power flickered and went out. "Great, just great, of all the nights to stay home while everyone was out" Diana exclaimed. She would have liked a bit more people and places around, but the quiet was also nice. She had just graduated this year and was happy to have the time to pursue her passion of writing and to improve her artwork without any distractions. She lived in a two-story house built in the early 1900's and when it storms like this it always seemed so creepy to her, it didn't help that they lived in a very small rural area.

She decided to go get the candles and a flashlight, she might as well read a book while she waited. She had just returned to the couch, lit the candles and grabbed her book, when the sky crackled and sizzled with massive lightning and thunder, there was a loud crash upstairs and she heard breaking glass. Diana picked the flashlight up, and ran up the stairs to see what had happened. Upon reaching the top, she turned right, went down the hallway and used the flashlight to shine it on her sisters room, it was to her left and she felt an unusually cold breeze coming from it, for just a second she could have sworn she saw something moving in there, but that was impossible, no one else was home. When she ventured in to examine the room she was surprised to see that the storm had actually taken out the two front windows and part of the wall, it was incredible. As she was trying to see the full extent of the damage she heard another noise just outside, she inched her way closer to the gaping hole in the room and this time she was sure she saw something moving very quickly around the side of the house, She couldn't make out what it was, but it was way too big to be a coyote, cougar or even a deer, which were common in the area.

Diana quickly turned off her flashlight and drew back into the shadows of the room hoping that whatever it was, wouldn't be interested in her. She just had to catch her breath, calm down and try to figure out what to do, for a couple of hours when her Mom and two sisters would be back home. She would need to get out of this room and to a better, safer undamaged area. She didn't want to walk back across the room to the doorway in case what ever was out there was still watching, so she decided she would slowly crawl until she was clear of the room, to keep in the shadows as much as possible. Then she could go to her room at the end of the hallway, block the door and hopefully she would be safe until her family returned.

As she inched her way towards the hallway she felt something just wasn't right but couldn't quite figure it out. Just a few more feet and she would be free to run to the safety of the next room, which was still intact. She moved her right hand forward and when she deposited it on the floor again it went right through, causing her to go tumbling forward into what seemed like nothingness, her heart felt like it was frozen and she couldn't breath for just a moment, all she could think was, what the hell was happening. She seemed to be falling through nothingness, the room was gone all there was, was darkness that sent shivers running up and down her spine. One minute Diana was in her house and the next darkness and then sand, lots of sand, what was going on, where could she have possibly gone.

Diana's head was spinning and she knew she would have to shake it off and figure out exactly what had just happened. Had she fell and bumped her head, no this didn't feel like a dream and she was pretty sure she hadn't, there was no sand at her house so she wasn't there, as she stood up she saw a moon shinning dimly through the sand, but in front of her there was nothing but sand as far as she could see, it was windy and the sand was blowing around so that wasn't very far. She started to turn around so she could see in all directions and as soon as she turned she noticed that she was in front of some kind of very large building, she walked a few steps until she was at the wall. Diana walked along the wall just a bit and finally found a door, she knocked but there was no answer. The wind was picking up and she felt cold so she figured she would try the door, it opened and she entered the building.

On the other side of the door there was a long all white hallway stretching both ways. Diana decided she would try to find someone and get help since she had no idea where she was or how she got there. She turned to her right and started going down the hallway occasionally saying hello, hoping to get some help. she turned a corner a little way down and stopped dead in her tracks, she was frozen in utter confusion and fear at first, but managed to regain her composure and quickly jumped back around the corner. She hoped he hadn't seen or heard her for that matter, her head was reeling with surprise and fear. She thought for a moment, "am I dreaming, no I already decided I wasn't and if that's the case how could he be real? And if I was dreaming, this would have to be a nightmare, he's not real and I despise him with a passion. But how, he's from an anime show I watch on TV, not real, no he couldn't possibly be real." She couldn't help herself, she pinched her arm as hard as she could and yet she was still there so then she again very carefully peeked around the corner just to make sure she wasn't seeing things and there he was as big as life and very real.

Diana kept thinking to herself " If this is real why do I have such bad luck, I'm in this crazy place which if it is real, has got to be Las Noches, and I can't even come across someone I do like. Hell they may hurt or kill me but at least I wouldn't meet my end to some cocky, self absorbed, narcissistic, pompous ass, like Szayel!" Well if he hadn't seen her, which by this time would be a pretty good guess since she was still not being grabbed and tortured, well if he was anything like his fictional character. She needed to get out of sight and fast. She ran back down the hallway the way she had come, turned down another hallway, and came to a door so she ducked inside. It took a minute to catch her breath, the room was of course white again, but hopefully it would afford some protection until she could figure out if there was some way to get back home.

After catching her breath, she was quite scared and couldn't think of any way to get out of this. Maybe if she could find some place to hide and get a bit of rest then she could figure a way out of this mess. There was nowhere in this room, it was pretty much empty. So she listened at the door when she was sure she couldn't hear anything, she quietly opened the door and slipped out to explore for a more suitable place to hide. She finally came to a room that had a very large bed, two dressers and what seemed to be a closet. She went to the closet, it was quite roomy and rather deep for a closet so she moved to the back corner and curled up. Diana's mind was all over the place, If he's real and he seemed really real, how is this place even possible, and since it is are they all real, are they like the anime she liked to watch, the manga she loved to read or are they different, there was just way to much to craziness to process at once and she was getting very tired, and really needed a bit of rest.

She awoke rather abruptly as she was slung over someones shoulder. It took a minute for Diana to gather her bearings, but when she did, she tried to focus on who or what had grabbed her. Whoever it was he was large and strong, if her revelations from her last encounter were accurate after seeing that asshole Szayel, then she should be able to figure out who had her now. That would also have to rely on the fact that she was right about where she was and that a series that was suppose to be made up was also right. Right now she was being carried at quite a fast pace, bouncing and smacking into the back of her assailant very quickly. Diana noticed a hole in the back of her would be napper, as she managed to turn her head a bit she saw and recognized who had her, as she did she exclaimed a bit excitedly, "Wow it's....., it's really you!" He stopped abruptly flung her in front of him and hung her in the air shouting "How does someone as yourself have any idea who I am, never mind I'm sure he must have some plans for you!" with that said he flung her back over his shoulder and continued to take her down the corridor. Diana's mind was reeling with all the information that she had and was desperately trying to get a grip on the situation. She was flung over Grimmjow's shoulder.

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