But Loving Him Was Red

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"Losing him was blue like I'd never known."
It was a gloomy November night when she heard her phone make a "ding" noise. Zatanna looked away from her book and picked up her phone. A text from Dick? What could he want? Zatanna unlocked her phone and read the text. "We need to talk." Oh no. Zatanna watched too many movies to know what was going to happen. She frowned and replied. "Okay, meet me at Mount Justice." Zatanna sighed and got dressed in a purple tank top and some jeans. Tears formed in Zatanna's eyes as she waited for Dick to come and talk to her.
When Dick arrived, Zatanna walked out of her room and met him in the green couch. "Hey," Zatanna said quietly. "Zee," Dick said sitting down. "I think we need a break--a long break."  Zatanna sat down next to Dick and nodded her head. "Yeah, a break," she said as tears filled her eyes. Dick frowned. "I'm--I'm sorry Zee." Dick left the room, leaving Zatanna all alone. Zatanna cried on the couch, then got up and walked to her room. She fell onto her bed, crawled under her covers and continued crying. Zatanna couldn't believe what just happened. Why would he just end it?

"Missing him was dark gray, all alone."
It had been 5 days since the break-up and Zatanna was still moping around. Zatanna didn't want to talk to anyone. She stayed her room all day, went out several times a day to get ice cream or chocolate, and cried most of the day. She hadn't been on a mission in days and could only think about Dick. She hadn't been able to take her mind off him since the break-up. Zatanna felt like she was in her on little world, where she was all alone, by herself. Nothing could make her feel better. At least Zatanna thought so.
The magician then walked over to the desk in her room and picked up the framed picture of her and Dick. She stared at the photo then closed her eyes tightly as a tear fell onto the picture. "I still love you. I'll never stop loving you," Zatanna whispered. "I'll never stop." She hugged the picture and cried even harder than before. She knew she would never get over Dick. Never.

"Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met."
   It had now been a couple months since the break-up and Zatanna was still trying to get over him.  She actually went outside, which was still an improvement, but sometimes she would still cry about him at night.  Then one day, Zatanna knew she had to forget about him.  This break-up was ruining her life.  It was going to be hard, really hard.  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.  "Maybe writing down my feelings will help," Zatanna whispered.   She pulled out her diary and started writing.
    Dear Diary,
   I know I should be over Dick, but I just, I just can't get over him.  I loved him with all my heart and I can't let go of him.  I can't.  But I know I need to let go.  I need to.  I guess I should start?  Okay.  He broke my heart into a million pieces.  I know he said sorry, but I'm still pissed at him for calling it off for NO APPARENT REASON. Like, at least give me a reason!  Was it me?  Was it you?  What's the deal?! Ugh!!  I think I'm done. Bye.
    Zatanna finished off the entry, but she still couldn't take her mind off him.  It was too hard!! Then Zatanna wondered, "Is--is Dick thinking of me?  Is he?"  She sighed.  Most likely not.  She bet that he was over her.   "I guess I'm never getting over him, forgetting him is really, really, hard. Too hard for me anyways."  Zatanna said to herself.  Zatanna then went under her covers and cried her eyes out. 

"But loving him was red."
   It had been a couple weeks since Zatanna tried to rid Dick out of her life.  Zatanna was slowly recovering.  Slowly.  She still couldn't get him out of her mind.  As Zatanna read a book in an attempt to let go of Dick, she heard her phone buzz.  She put down the book and picked up the phone.  "Zee, let's talk."  It was from Dick.  What now?  Zatanna got out of her pajamas and into a black t-shirt and some shorts.
   Twenty minutes later, the two met at the same place where they broke up, and Dick pulled Zatanna into a kiss.  At first, she was surprised, but she then relaxed and kissed him back.  "Zee, I wanna get back together, I can't seem to get you off my mind," Dick said.  "I can't get you off my mind either," Zatanna said smiling slightly.  The two then hugged and Zatanna whispered, "I love you, a lot."  "I do too," Dick whispered back.  "And I'm never leaving this time." 

Did you like it?  I hope you did! I worked hard on it, and I really like how it turned out. Leave your thoughts in the comments!! Bye!!

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