1. The Father

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The storm has begun. It was an cold December night when this story begins. A new born baby girl slept in her mothers arms. The father was no were to be seen. Right in that moment the mother heard a knock on the door and walk to the door whit her little baby girl still in her arms. She opened the door. It was a man. He didn't seems to be happy. When he looked at the new born baby he looked discussed.
"It's your fault!" the woman said
"I don't care just . . . eh . . . kill it", he said
"I never going to kill her, she's just a new born baby", she said angrily
"Then I kill it", he said
"NO!" she screamed "what the hell are you thinking whit?"
"I don't what to be a father", he said
"Then leave!" the woman yelled "if you can't just love her like a normal father I would love you but no you don't deserve it", she was now really angry
He left whiteout any hesitation. As simple as that he was gone for good, she thought.
"Shh it will be alright darling, mommy is right here", she said to the now awake baby "what should I name you? Sarah? No you don't look like an Sarah. What about . . . Avery? Yes of corse you are Avery", whit that the mother felt of to dreamland.
The girl Avery also felt of to dreamland. The next morning the woman woke up to the girls scream. She was tiered. She had given birth to a child just the day before. But she couldn't just sit there. She just needed the man she actually cared about. But he didn't want a child. And he did want to kill her child. It was like killing some one. Yes of corse the one who die but other person's who loved the one who got killed. She couldn't handle it. The next thing she did was:
"I hate you Marcel!" then she sad to the baby girl "shh I love you but that thing you have of an father, he wanted you dead", the mother said in an low voice almost sad
Then she began whit the food. Eggs and bacon of course. But the baby eat like a normal one day old. The day went past slowly. It was like the night never came. The mother looked at the clock every five minutes. She didn't do much, she just sat there in the sofa whit Avery on her arm. When the day finally ended, Avery didn't want to sleep so the mother stayed up until Avery finally fell asleep. Then the mother took her up to her room and lay Avery in her crib. Then she just fell asleep on the mat. She really are not a normal mother.

Almost every day went past like this. Until one day. The window is opened as usual. And the man in the beginning get in true the window. Just as every father just do. (Notice the sarcasm). He has a knife in his mouth. Nothing like killing him. He got in. He didn't notice that the mother of his child, his loved ones, stood right next to him.
"Marcel, I can't under stand why you are here", she said kind of sad
Before he answered he took the knife from his mouth
"What?" he said
"You know you don't need to kill her?" the mother asked
"No", he said "from that . . . I leaved you . . . I . . . I can't l-live whit myself any more ... I leaved the woman I loved the most, I leaved her and my new born baby. I've lived in a pub fore the last half year. I met other lady's but they didn't feel like you . . . I am a bad dad a bad boyfriend a bad . . .", he was near tears
"Marcel, I have an idea we can just let her live on an orphanage if you want, because I can't take care of myself how will she survive?" he nodded
"You are the most clever girl I've ever met, Brooke", he smiled
"Nah, I don't think so, I mean I can't take care of myself and I got a baby, I am really an idiot, but now I don't need to be alone to be an idiot", she smiled
They laugh like mad person's. But they used to do that.
"Marcel tomorrow we leave her on the orphanage and then we can just stay together", she said "like we use to", he nodded.

The next day they were of to an orphanage.
"Hello", a woman said to the parents
"Hullo, we can't take care of our child, so we decided we just settle her on an orphanage", she said
"Yes, okey, we have one room left so that is fine, I want to know which day she was born and name", this wasn't a question
"She was born second December last year, and I named her Avery, and she have Lowell as her father, surname", Brook said
The lady nodded.
Then the parents left. Left to never came back, to never met there baby girl. Never look at her, they won't be able to know if her first word will be mummy or daddy.

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