2. The Biggining

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The girl, Avery, she had changing hair color. Not that she dyed it, but it seems like it always changes. From red to brown to blond. Her eye color change also, from blu to green to yellow to black. Her length also changed al the time. From 1,40 to 1,50 (meters) in just one day. And some times she also get shorter in the day. Al from a couple of centimeters to ten centimeters. It has been almost nine and a half years sins the day Avery Lowell was left on the orphanage. She was soon ten years old. She are the oldest child on the orphanage. Every one else got adopted. But Avery was odd. She was seen like twenty times flying around, walk trough the walls or made things near her explode. The first time she flew she was only five years of age. It happened when she was asleep. And she woke op in the air right over madam Gitali who was fast asleep. Madam Gitali was socked. And Avery got to tell an angry Madam Gitali that it wasn't her fault. And she trusted her and they didn't talk about it more. She woke op flying kind of often. But then it began with going trough the walls. It did scare the hell out of the other children. But Avery taught it was kind of fun. And last, when she was angry or really mad she made things explode right in the face of the one she was angry on. And the person got angry and Avery run trough the walls or flew. Some times you could see her in the biggest tree. But that wasn't often. Madam Gitali got lots of excuses from Avery some of them are:
"Sorry ma'am I don't know how I ended up right over your bed but I think Emma or Jean did this", or "I am so so sorry, madam Gitali I don't know how I can go trough the walls it might be a wall you also can go trough"
Some people says that this girl is mental. Really mental. On the other hand she like to creep people out. Just because she thinks it's funny.
On Friday's Emma, Jean and Avery walk in the forest. It's just a thing they do.
"Em?" Jean ask
"Yeah? Jeanie?"
"Where is Avery?" she whispers
"I dunno", Emma says and looked around
Then Avery go out to met her friends. But she don't go through the door. No no. She is Avery Lowell so she needs to be creepy. Emma and Jean had there backs at the wall outside on the back of the orphanage. Avery made her way slowly to her friends, as quiet as possible. The next thing she did was; she taped there shoulders and den said:
"Boo!" then she run between her friends and Emma follows. But the ting is that Avery are the fastest one so she run far from her friend. She hid behind a tree. She didn't breath heavy. She breathed normal. As normal as possible. Then she walks to her friends who laughs.
"Are you going mad?" Avery asked
"No you are", Jean said between laugh
"You are mad", Avery whispers to herself, but really she just teased them for fun
"Hey! I heard that!" Emma and Jean said and jumped on her
"Yeah I wanted you to hear that"
Then they laughed until there stomachs hurts. The dinner was served and Avery, Emma and Jean eat together as always. They talk about almost every thing between earth and space. Yeah they were busy. They chat until dinner ends. Then they did homework. And yes of course al children are in school. First off they did the English when they finished that they began on the math. Last off there were play time whit the younger children. Because that's how they do. Both Emma and Jean were selected by the younger children. But nobody got the bravery to play whit Avery. So Avery 'played' by herself. Then hours later, actually it wasn't hours but for Avery it felt like hours, they were done.
Finally, Avery thought. Then of course the older read bedtime stories in front of the younger ones. So because Avery didn't have one to play whit then she didn't need to read. So she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth one by one. Then she dress herself in pajamas and went to bed by herself. As usual it was cold in her room. But that being usual she didn't care. She went under the covers in her bed and began to listen to the sounds outside her window. The trees, the late up birds, the children's snoring and the older who read out loud. Then she eventually felt asleep. The days were like this one every day. But Friday al children walks in the forest.

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