chapter five :: room one (bentley)

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Before anyone could reply to anyone or anything, the ominous door few open and that man in the blue button up raged in, hands curled, eyes bloodshot, and veins bursting at the surface of his abnormally tanned skin

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Before anyone could reply to anyone or anything, the ominous door few open and that man in the blue button up raged in, hands curled, eyes bloodshot, and veins bursting at the surface of his abnormally tanned skin.  Seething, he shouted, "Did any of you speak to X?"

The three victims looked up at the man, all equally afraid.  They knew none of them had spoken to X, unless Hana did.  Looking among one another, asking each other the same question without verbally asking it,  they waited for one of them to fess up. 

"W-we didn't say anything," Bentley choked.  "I mean, X took Hana out, and we heard her scream, but I don't think she said anything--,"

"She did.  She told him to, 'stop.'"  The man bent down and snatched Hana harshly by a handful of hair.  Breathing heavily into her face, he whispered, "What was the rule about X?"

"Don't say anything to him," Hana whimpered, twisting away from the man's rapid face.  

Throwing her down, the man walked over to the door and opened it.  "Bring him in."

Two other men dressed in black and wearing Scream masks, yanked a tugging and pleading X into the room.  Kicking him onto his knees and controlling him with gunpoint, the two men eyed the man in the button up shirt for their orders. 

"Don't use a gun.  It's too quick."

Bentley, Matthias, and Hana all staggered to their feet, clinging onto one another, and watched with growing horror.  Their eyes followed the costume dressed man walk out of the room and then, after a few painfully long seconds, the sharp, whirling sound of drill filled the vicinity.  It was the power of a thunderstorm, yet, it was crisp and clean like the sound of a dentist drill.

"Oh, shit," Bentley panted, looking around for a hiding place.  But someone Matthias kept him still, not letting any of them back themselves up against the wall.

Hana covered her mouth, holding back a scream, as tears bubbled up in her eyes.

X, eyes wide and confused, looked up at the three other students as the masked man came up behind him and aimed the spinning drill at the back of his head.  "Escape room!"

"Kill him," the man in the button down shirt commanded as he crossed his arms.  No expression crossed his face as the drill's consistent sound suddenly became muffled, jammed, and then it reverberated just long enough for screams (unidentified from which person present) filled the room.   The drill sputtered and then twisted back to its normal burrowing.

"Stop, please, stop!"  Hana shouted.  "Oh my God, stop!"

Bentley shielded his eyes, but Matthias stood there, watching.  It wasn't that he was sick, but possibly because he couldn't believe what he was watching.

When the murder was finished and the body of the once living X slumped to the ground, the two masked men exited the room, closing the door behind them. 

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