chapter nine :: escape route

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It was simple

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It was simple. Matthias wasn't going to lose his sight for anyone. He knew Hana could hold her own. Bentley was a valuable asset and couldn't afford being left behind.

Without a delay in his step, Matthias ran down the right hallway, following a glint at the end of the tunnel. He was on film and knew they were watching his strategy. He was hoping the game makers wouldn't harm Hana while he was saving Bentley, but he also knew he would be foolish if he believed they would keep to their own rules.

The tunnel narrowed to a small grate, forcing Matthias to the crouching position. The walls seemed as of they were caving in around him and the ceiling was lowering so dramatically that it wasn't long before Matthias was on his hands and knees, crawling forward like a dog.

When at last he had made it to the grate, Matthias reached forward to grab the bars, but he stopped when he heard a buzzing sound. It was electricity. Smirking to himself, Matthias returned his hands to his side and peeked through the bars.

"Hey, Bentley? Ben?"

"Don't call me Ben," a soft voice replied.

"Listen, I'm going to get to you out."

A face appeared behind the bars, revealing cuts and bruises scattered about the eyes and mouth. "The bars are electric...I mean, I didn't touch them because they hum--,"

"Yeah, I know. They've got Hana--,"

"Is she okay?"

Matthias was quiet. He bit his lip and imagined finding Hana dead. "I don't know. Is there anything behind you?"

"No, it's a solid box."

"There's got to be a way out," Matthias said, straining to see inside the cage.

"I mean, there's a keyhole, but I don't have a key. I've looked. I even used the key from the last room. What are they doing to Hana?"

Matthias rubbed his face thoughtfully, trying to think of where the key would be. "I don't know. They said they would...well, gouge her eyes out if I save you."

Bentley let out a gasp and was about to grasp the bars before Matthias reminded him with a loud, 'don't.'

"What are you doing here? Go save her!"

"No, she'll be fine. I know she can handle herself."

°°°°° Hana's Cage °°°°°

Just like Bentley, Hana was couped up in an iron pen. A man with a pointed rod stood outside her cage. Laughing, he said, "Looks like you've been left behind. Shut the electricity off and open her gate!"

The humming was shut off and the gate to her prison creaked open. Hana huddled to the back, panting and sweating. She stared at the bulky torturer, scrutinising every raised vein and bulging muscle. He was bald and had tattoos everywhere.

Hana wasn't terribly afraid: she assumed this man was chosen like an actor is for a stereotypical role. She didn't doubt his capabilities, but his persona didn't threaten her.

"What's the last thing you want to see?" The man growled through a snarly sneer, flashing a golden front tooth. He tossed the rod to and fro between his hands, purposely building the intensity.

Hana swallowed, closed her eyes, and thought of an escape route. Clearing her throat, she said, "Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing you dead."

The man cackled and loomed over the smaller frame. Reaching forward, he curled his fingers around her throat, drew the pointed instrument back, and aimed it at her right eye. He had her secure enough that she could dodge the rod if she wanted to.

Hana, even though she wanted to thrash about and scream, kept her composure. She hoped her idea would work. Her eye-piercer didn't look like the brightest in the shop. Breathing through her nose, she watched as the weapon lined up with her vision.

When the man's hand jolted forward, Hana peered over his shoulder and shouted, "Bentley, run! Don't come over here!'

And then, just like she had planned, the man twisted around and threw the spear at the figure who did not exist.

Hana smiled to herself. The human's tendency to react before observing fascinated her. Not letting a moment delay, she propelled her knees up against her chest, leaned back (pulling against the man's fingers), and then kicked out against his chest, breaking free.

She landed awkwardly and painfully against the small cage behind her, but she was free. When Hana hit the ground, she looked up at her bewildered captor and saw a set of keys hanging from his pocket. She wasn't sure why she wanted to take them, but in a place such as the one she was in, why not have a set of keys?

Reaching up, she grabbed the ring and tugged, just to realise it was hooked to his belt. Her eyes widened and her chest hollowed with fear when his eyes shot back down at her.

°°°°° Bentley's Cage °°°°°

"What's that?" Bentley asked, gesturing to a shiny rod behind Matthias.

Matthias looked over his shoulder and noticed the random rod, too. "Was that what that clattering was?"

"I guess. But go get it, we could probably use it. Maybe you can jam the lock."

"I don't think that'll work, but it's a good weapon--,"

"Shhhhh, quiet. Do you hear that?". Bentley interrupted, his eyes eyeing down the tunnel. "I think...I think that's Hana."

Matthias turned around and saw two shadows cast on the wall. "You're right. She's being chased, too." Matthias scuttled forward and snatched the spear.

"I think the person is bigger," Bentley observed. "And that's good because he won't be able to fit through the tunnel like you and Hana were able to."

Sticking his tongue out in the way someone does when they're thinking, Matthias positioned himself like a hunting warrior and aimed the spear towards the furthest figure.

Slowly, he saw Hana emerge from the darkness, her body lowering in able to accommodate the shrinking of the tunnel. The larger figure was an arm length away.

Hana looked up and, as she tripped, she shouted, "Throw it, Matthias! Throw it!" She fell to the ground as she spear whistled through the air.

The man tried to dodge by pressing against the walls, but he was trapped. The iron rod meant to blind Hana skewered right through the tender part of his chest, sending him screaming to the floor.

Hana scrambled to her feet, her breath faltering. "Quick! I got his keys! Let Bentley out!" She hurled the ring of keys to Matthias, who caught them one-handedly.

Spinning around, Matthias glanced at the lock, then at the keys. He glanced at the lock again, this time leaning in more, and then back at the keys. He flipped through several before he chose his first and last choice. Confidently, he stuck the key inside and twisted.

The gate popped open and Bentley crawled out.

"How did you know which one? There's like a dozen," Bentley commented, amazed.

"I don't know. I just looked. Now, come on."

"Where do we go?" Hana asked before they were all startled by a slow clap at the end of the hall.

They didn't see the person, but they knew the voice.

"Congratulations, welcome to the third level. Follow me."

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