Chapter Fourteen

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I silently let tears fall, I walk to her and sit beside her. The doctors come in. "Hi Miss Elizabeth I'm Dr. Bodo and I'm the orthopedic surgeon that helped with all of the bone problems, and there were a lot ma'am." He finishes I glare up at him, "not now please, can we talk about it later?" He nods and starts too walk off, "will she wake up," I ask without thinking. "Ma'am we can nit guarantee that outcome, but you should prepare for the worst," he says then leaves. I look away from the surgeon and back at mom. "Mommy it Liz your baby girl, I'm here and I'm sorry," I say leaning my head down and closing my eyes. When they close I see my phone in the table by my bed and Clay is calling it. I open my eyes and kiss my hand and putting it on my mom's. I turn and head out. I bolt down the stairs because the elevator is too slow. I Sprint for the house and make it in as soon as I close the door it rigs. I bolt up star is and grab it and answer. "Hello," I say as I catch my breath. Lizzy are you okay, why did it take so long too answer the phone,and why are you breathing heavy. He asks all in one roll. "Hey Hey you are the one that's needs too calm down," I giggle into the phone. I know it's just, I don't want too lose you again, he answered. "I know and you won't," I replied. "Hey if I'm not home when you come back I'm at the hospital," I say cringing. Why would you be in the hospital, he said his voice full of worry. "My mom is in there, if I'm correct she was in a car wreck," I explain. What do you mean, don't you know why she is in there, he said. "I...ummm will explain about it later, now I have too go pack and go stay with her," I tell him. Okay Darling I love you, be safe. He finishes, "you too and I love you always." Alright don't leave the hospital unless I'm with you, he said sternly. "Okay I have too go," I say and hang up. I pack a bag and some money for the whole time Clay is gone. I look at the house one last time and shut the door and lock it. I go straight to the hospital.

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