Chapter Twenty~Two

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We were silent for the first few minutes of the car ride. I glance at him still watching the road. "So van we stop and get food," I ask trying too sound sweet and compassionate. "Hmph, I don't care," he replied his voice full of saltyness. I roll my eyes and stop the car, " what is your problem?" He looks at me and turns to look out the window. I sigh and put the var in drive. I go straight to the police station. I take the keys out the ignition and threw them on his lap. And go into the station. Why did I get mad? I thought. 

I walk into the station and was greeted by a lady at the front desk. "How may I help you sweetheart," she asks with a fake smile plastered on her face. "I'm Elizabeth Calfield, I am here to-," I was cut off. "She is here to see us," the male cop from yesterday said walking in. The female cop was directing me into a small room. I looked around frantically for Clay then I see him walk in with a bag. I look at him and he speeds up. Then I walk through the door with Clay at my heels. "I'm not leaving your side," he whispered for only me too hear. I nod and sigh smiling to myself. We walk down the hall a few more minutes then entered a room. "We will be a minute," the female cop said to Clay not noticing me. Then they leave closing the door. The room is plain like in the movies. It has a table in the middle surrounded by a couple chairs around it. I sit down in the chair Clay pulled out for me. Then he took his place beside me. I put my hands in my lap and bounce my leg nervously. Clay noticed this, then grasps my hands, and rubs this thumb across my palm. Calming my nerves.

You and Him Against the WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz