Chapter One

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Hi. I'm Olivia and this is my story. I'm practically the definition of socially awkward. It doesn't get any better than this. Put me someplace with a lot of people, and I can hardly form two words into a sentence. But once you get to know me, well, let's just say you're probably gonna have to beg me to shut up.

But there's just two people in the entire school who's seen that side of me. Ashley and Laura, my two bestest friends in the whole world. I'm 17 and a junior in high school. High school is the worst thing that could've happened to me. I was officially an outcast, nobody at school even knew my name. I was called "The one that hangs out with Ash and Laura". They were obviously popular and extremely good looking.

Ashley had gorgeous strawberry blonde hair that framed her face in a pixie cut, and flawless peach skin. Laura was well, Laura. Everything about her was perfect. From her olive complexion to her impeccable fashion sense, one could not just look at her, without admiration. And I was just average. The only thing I loved about me was my luscious brown locks, that hung all the way down to my waist.

Both of them loved partying, going to concerts, you know the type. And I was just the opposite. A perfect Friday night, to me, was curling up with a novel and my ipod. And writing music. That was my little secret. Whenever I was alone, I loved playing on the piano and making up songs. Singing was something I could never do in front of someone, not even Ash or Laura.

Whenever there was a party, the girls had to drag me out to it. I end up coming back halfway through anyway. So, when they asked me that night about a concert, my answer was no. I crossed my hands defiantly and sat at the edge of the bed. "C'mon Livvieee...its Karmic. They are the hottest guys alive. And they have the best music." Ash was practically whining and tugging at my sweater. I have to admit, their music was pretty amazing. And yeah, they were good looking. But, so what!! "I don't know I don't like all the screaming and shouting" I whined back, just as loud. I even tried physically assaulting her at one point. But they were screaming at me shrilly from both sides, that I was finally forced to nod my head.

The concert wasn't actually that bad. But after about a half hour of having the girl next to me stomp on my foot twice, and practically scream my ears off, I'd had enough. I tried gesturing to Ash and Laura that I was going home, but they were too busy screaming at the boys to care.

I eased myself from the crowd and walked down to the lake. It was nearly empty and amazingly silent. I sat on the boardwalk and plugged in my headphones, listening to my playlist. I managed to even doze off for a while in the middle. Seeing that the park was empty, I began to hum along to the tune, slowly at first. And then, I was singing softly. It was so calm and peaceful.

"You have a very nice voice." I was so immersed in singing that I jumped out of my skin on hearing the husky voice behind me. I swivelled around to find myself looking into the most beautiful pair of eyes I'd ever seen. His gaze was intense and deep, those piercing blue eyes boring holes into my head. My eyes focused on his familiar yet unfamiliar face, trying to place where I'd seen him before. And then it struck me. "Omigosh!!'re Noah!" I struggled to find words, as I found myself looking into Noah Harrison's face, one of the lead vocalists for Karmic. Panic overwhelmed me as I realised I'd been singing out loud, and that too in front of Noah, and I stumbled backward in shock forgetting that I was standing on the boardwalk.

I saw his expression change the exact same moment I felt air under my feet, and I tumbled backwards into the lake. The fall was not something I had anticipated. I plummeted to the water below, arms flailing and legs kicking. The impact against the ice cold water stung my exposed skin and shocked the air out of my lungs as I sunk into the depths of the lake, inhaling mouthfuls of water. Desperately trying not to breathe in anymore, I kicked my feet and thrusted my body upward and breached the surface, coughing and gasping for air. I felt strong hands wrap around my torso, as I turned around to look into the same blue eyes, for the second time that night. "Are you okay?"


Hi guys, this is my first attempt at writing. Initially, I had thought about going with another storyline, but then one night, I had a new idea. And it just clicked. So, I thought about completing this one first. I hope you guys will fall in love with this story, just as I did.

Your opinions are extremely valuable to me, and I would love to hear what you think about the story. Comments, both supportive and critiques are welcome. I will respond personally to each and every comment and/or message. And the chapters will be updated promptly.

Covers and banners are appreciated greatly. Also, I look forward each of your valuable votes. Thank you for reading. :)

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