Chap. 7 The Search is On

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Maria's POV
I when I woke up this morning something immediately felt a bit off. Oh shit. Is it my time of the month, or as I like to call it, shark week? I thought, trying to figure out if I was bleeding. Nope that wasn't it. I tried not to open my eyes to see if I could figure it out with my other senses. Well it's a Friday in the summer. I don't have any plans today, so God know what time it is. Then it hits me. It smells different in my room. There is a perfume here that isn't mine or my moms. There's someone in my room.

Adele's POV
The past few days have been a real douser. I had two concerts in Minnesota and then I had to explain to everyone why I had to go to Indiana. No one really argued with me, how could they, I'm the boss. When I got to Cumberland, Indiana, there was surprisingly no fuss. I finally escaped the paps. Now I just had to locate Maria. The first thing I did was go to her school, hoping they could help me find her. It's a really small school, but then again it's a really small town. They were kind of rude and said that as Maria just graduated, her files were given to her high school. They also said that even if she did go there, they couldn't tell me anything anyways. After that waste of time, the secretary had the gall to ask for an autograph and a photo, which I politely declined as I had little time to find Maria.

I decided to head to the local park, hoping Maria would eventually show up, or maybe one of her friends would. As I waited on the swing, I thought about how much my little peanut would enjoy this park. Deep in thought, I barely heard a girl voice about ten feet behind me.
"Hey Riley is that Adele?"
"Yeah I think it is. Oh this will be rich!"

I then heard footsteps going around the swing set and stopping directly in front of me.
"Hi ma'am, are you Adele?" One girl asked.
Ma'am? How old does she think I am?
"Why yes love I am."
"Wow that's cool. My name is Riley and this is Lauren. We're 14."
"Well hello to you Riley and Lauren. 14 you say? Could you maybe help me find someone?"
"Sure sure. What's their name and we'll tell you if we know them." Riley said.
"Well her name is Maria Kiel. You must know her this is a very small town and you're the same age." When I said Maria's name, Riley's face curled up into an ugly sort of smirk.
"Maria? Why would you want to talk to Maria? She's just an ugly nerd who's obsessed with, get this, you! Hey Lauren do you remember that locker trick we pulled on her? I heard she cried about it for days!"
"Oh yeah that was a stroke of genius from you Riley!"
Oh boy. It took about all the control I could muster not to explode with anger. I seem to have meet some of Maria's not so real friends. In fact, they seem to be her bullies. I'm going to have to play this very carefully.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you all for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!! I think I'm going to try updating three times a day, do long as the demand remains as high as it has been!

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