Chap. 10 Hypnotic Poison

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Maria's POV
There is someone in my room. I open my eyes and I shoot straight up into a sitting position on my bed. I scan the room for the intruder while at the same time clenching my fists. What happened to Andrew if there is someone in here? My eyes quickly scan over my rocking chair and continue on the 360 of the room. Then my brain registers what I saw. My eyes quickly flick back and stop on the rocking chair, or more precisely the person sitting in it. There in my chair, is Adele Laurie Blue Adkins.
"Is this another one of my Adele dreams?" I ponder aloud. The figure in the chair laughs at that thought. "Wait, if it's a dream how come I can smell Hypnotic Poison?" The figure laughs again.
"Maybe it's not a dream love." The figure says.
Maybe it's not a dream. Wait, if it's not a dream... then Adele is sitting in my room, talking to me.
"Holy fuck." I say and then promptly pass out, falling back onto my pillow.

Adele's POV
Oh fuck. She passed out! That's the first time that's ever happened when someone meets me. I sprint down the stairs and to the basement. "Andrew, Andrew she passed out!" I yell, running towards the entertainment center where Andrew sits playing a video game.
"She'll probably be fine" he replies, waving a lazy hand in the air and not taking his eyes off the screen.
"Andrew she passed out! I don't know what to do! Do you have any smelling salts?"
"I don't think so. Listen if she just fainted use any strong smelling item. Are you wearing perfume?"
"Yes," I reply, unsure of what my perfume has to do with anything.
"Well hold your wrist under her nose and shake her a bit. If that doesn't work tell me and I'll come up and slap her." He says, with a teasing brotherly glint in his eye.
"Alright I'll try that" I call over my shoulder, as I'm already half way up the basement stairs. I get back to Maria's room and see that she's still down for the count. I run over to her bed and stick my wrist under her nose, like Andrew instructed. After about ten seconds, Maria begins to come to.
"What the fuck happened? Andrew did you steal my Hypnotic Poison sample card?"
"No love you just fainted. You're alright now." When I spoke again her eyes shot open and she sat right up.
"Oh my God! You're Adele." And with that, she immediately started sobbing.
Righty ho then. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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