Chap. 23 Well...

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Maria's POV
We lay there for about another minute, until we heard the door slam downstairs. "Maria? I'm home!" It was my mom coming home from a long day at work followed by her tennis match. "Hi Mom!" I shouted back, "one of my friends is here. Did you win your match?"
"No, I didn't win. Wait which friend?"
"Oh, um just Adele. What was the score?"
"Well my match was two and a half hours because I lost in a tiebreaker, wait, did you say Adele?" My mom asked and then came walking up the stairs.
"Yeah mom, this is Adele, Adele this is my mom." I said, pointing behind me at Adele.
"Oh hi Adele. You can call me Mary, Mary Kiel. You won't believe how many car rides I've spent listening to you." My mom said.
"Mom!" I shout, feeling my cheeks turning red. Adele just laughed and stepped forward to shake my moms hand.
"Hello Mary. I'm Adele. Now since you're here, I actually have something to ask you regarding Maria." When Adele said that I looked at her with a confused look on my face.
"Alright. Let's go downstairs and I'll make some Mac N' Cheese for dinner." We all walked downstairs and Adele and I sat at the island while my mom started taking things out of the fridge. "So what is it that you wanted to ask me?"
"Well, I need to ask your permission for Maria to come with me to Chicago." Unfortunately for me, Adele choose to say this as I was taking a sip of water, which I promptly spit all over the kitchen. Adele started laughing and my mom gave me a look like you better clean this up right now. I just looked at my mom like please say yes, please say yes.
"Well..." My mom said.
This ones for adelelaughs . Also please please please give credit if you are getting inspiration from my book. Don't forget to comment and vote!!

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