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-Harry's POV-

It's been about a week since Louis decided he didn't love me anymore, and I am a total wreck.

"Hey mate, how you doing?" Niall's voice rings through the phone the second I pick it up.

"I'm alright..." I lie.

"No you're not," Niall says completely ignoring my answer. It seems as if he can always tell when I am lying.

I don't say anything, I just sit in the silence for a while listening to Niall's heavy breathing on the other line. 

"Wanna talk about it?" He says gently.

"I don't know..." I say back, unsure if it's the best idea.

"C'mon, it couldn't hurt!" Niall pushes me to say yes for a reason that is unknown to me.

"Ahh, what the hell," I say after thinking about it for a moment.

 "Class! I'll be over in 15!" Niall says excitedly before hanging up his phone without another word from either of us. 

Niall may have said 15 minutes, but he really meant about an hour so I killed time by jotting down a few lines for some songs i'm writing. I have had a lot of new material lately due to my current situation with Louis, which I can't decide if it is a good or a bad thing yet.

So far, it fucking sucks.

Ding-dong. The doorbell rings through the apartment.

"It's open!" I yell, not bothering to get up and open the door myself.

"Hey man!" Niall comes in with his trademark grin.

Usually Niall's smile can brighten up even the darkest of days, but lately nothing can make the broken feeling inside of me go away.

"Hey..." I mumble back to him.

"Have you talked to Louis lately?" Niall asks while taking a seat next to me on the couch, getting straight to the point. 

"No," I answer simply, not going into detail.

Everyone knew that Louis and I were a thing, they all knew how inseparable we were. Our break up came as a shock to everyone. 

"Why not?" Niall pushes, his tone turning serious and his face turning to stone in a matter of seconds. 

"Jesus Niall, because there is nothing to talk about!" I shoot back at him, anger flaring up inside of me. There is a lot to talk about, so much that has been left unsaid, but I wouldn't dare admit that.

I'm not angry at Niall, I just need to release some of the emotions that have been brewing inside of me for the past week. 

"Well how would I know, neither of you have told any of us what happened!" Niall says, raising his voice. His Irish accent becomes thick as the words flow out of his mouth. 

"You want to know what happened? Fine, i'll tell you what happened! Louis doesn't love me anymore! He found love with that damn beard of his and decided he doesn't need me any longer! Happy? Now you fucking know," I yell back, my voice getting louder with every painful word. 

I wipe away the tear sliding down my cheek, not realizing how much it hurt to say the truth out loud.

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