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-Harry's POV-

"Lou, what are you doing here?" I asked, watching Louis walk into my flat.

"I-I just came to... um... check out the flat," He stuttered out, locking eyes.


"I just want to make sure you're taking good care of it."

"That's all?" I asked, slightly disappointed.

"Um... no that's not all, I think I left one of my jackets here. Have you seen it?"

"No, you took everything when you left. I'm all that's left," I said softly, flinching at the words shortly before replacing the pain with a fake smile. 

"Alright, well i'll be going now," Louis said, starring at the floor.

"Okay..." I said, trying to mask the disappointment that has creeped its way back into my voice and face.

Without another word, Louis walked towards the door. Then stopped and looked back at me.

"Can I come over tomorrow, it's just that I don't have any plans and I want to make things right with us?" He asked, taking little steps towards me; carefully.

"Make things right? Are you sure that's possible?" I laughed; but didn't find it funny.

Yes, I want him back. I want him back home with me, I want to be able to hug and kiss him, go to sleep by his side, be able to call him mine once again; but that doesn't change what he put me through.

"I need to try," He said, his voice getting a bit higher than usual.

"Alright, see you then," I shrugg my shoulders, smiling lazily at him to hide the ache in my heart at his words.



"Bye, Haz." 

"Bye, Lou."

He walked away again, but turned and ran up to me.

Crashing his lips onto mine, my hands found their way to his hips and squeezed them. The only thing that mattered in that moment was me and Louis and the way our lips fit together so perfectly; like we were made for each other. In all, the kiss only lasted about 3 seconds before Louis scurried out of the flat.

I should have felt angry or upset, but instead I felt relieved.

Relieved that he still had enough feelings for me to kiss me like that, relieved that he came all the way here just to see me-- even though he would say differently, and most importantly; relieved that I would see him again soon.

*  *  *  *  *

My mind keeps going back to yesterday; the kiss, the conversation-- though short and emotionless, just everything. Just Louis. And to make things better, I am so nervous; I can't think properly.

I keep asking myself the same 5 questions, over and over and over:

1) What are we going to discuss when Louis arives?

2) What are we going to do?

3) When is he going to come?

4) What if he doesn't end up coming?

5) If he does come, will this meeting make or break what little friendship is still salvaged?

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