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-Sophia's POV-

"Come on, Smith. Time for court," A guard calls, opening up my cell with a stern look on his face. 

I jump up from my bunk, practically skipping out of the cell and out into the hallway where another guard, this time a lady, hands me some new clothes and some toiletries to make sure I look presentable in court. I take them from the masculine woman, skipping over to a real bathroom, not those little metal toilets they put in our cells that they pass off as bathrooms. 

"Court starts in an hour, hurry up and get ready Smith," The lady calls after me, so I wave my hand in acknowledgement and close the door to get started. 

I shower the most beautiful shower in the world, then lather myself in lotions and perfumes to disguise the smell of dust and rubber that has been clinging to my skin since I got here. They don't have the decency to bring me a flat iron for my mop of curly hair, so I settle for relaxing it a bit with water and hair gel. Then I put on the dress, blazer, and heels they've left me. And last, I apply makeup, basking in the amazing feeling of it after a month of nothingness.

Soon we'll be out of this hell hole and I'll be able to finish what I started. I think while applying a layer of lip gloss on my lips and examining myself in the mirror, Eh, I've looked better, but damn do I clean up well.

"Smith, get out of there, we gotta get going!" The male guard yells through the door, pounding on the outside like a crazy person.

"I'm coming, calm down," I assure him, opening up the door and stepping out.

The 2 guards handcuff me once more, leading me out of the prison and putting me in the back of a van, then squeezing next to me on both sides so I'm sandwiched inbetween them. No personal space. Once inside the courthouse, I see a familiar face across the room as I take my seat next to my solicitor, starring at me like I've got 3 heads.


"Good luck, you're gonna need it," A familiar voice says behind me. 

I turn around and my heart drops as I look into the eyes of my boyfriend, Liam, and feel he has nothing but hatred for me. He doesn't smile or ask me how I am or anything, he just walks away and takes a seat a few asles back next to Danielle and Eleanor. He entwines his fingers with Danielle's and I feel a lump form in the back of my throat as I try to hold back my tears. 

They're not important. I tell myself, The only thing that matters now is walking out of this court room a free woman. 

-Harry's POV-

Louis and I walk into the court room, me first as to make it look like we aren't together, then him. I take a seat next to my solicitor, watching as Louis finds a seat next to Liam, Danielle, and Eleanor. Soon, the rest of the gang arrives and I begin to feel extremely anxious as I realize that within the next hour I'll have to tell the entire truth about what happened that night in front of all these people.

"Harry?" A voice that brings back horrible memories calls gently, keeping a comfortable distance from me. 

"Yes, Hannah?" I reply, avoiding eye contact. She looks miserable, almost as miserable as I do, and I scold myself mentally when my eyes scan the room and spot Sophia sitting across the room with a smug smile on her face.

"I just wanted to tell you before we begin that upon having some time to reflect on what I did, I've realized that I should've never went along with Sophia's crazy plans. I knew they were insane from the start, but I was so obsessed with getting revenge for the pain Louis caused me that I didn't even stop to think how much pain I would be putting you through. You didn't deserve to be treated the way you did, and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for the grief I've caused your relationship because of my petty jealousy," She pauses, taking a breath after her long speech, then continuing, "And I know that my apology won't take away the trauma you have to live with now or change the verdict, but I feel better knowing I put all my cards on the table."

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