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Welcome to the book! Hope you all enjoy it and I'll see you in Chapter 1! But first, here's the prologue!

~It was the summer of 2016, Enderlox and her 3 brothers, WitherMU, SkyBrine, and Bodil666, was a little worried since their father Herobrine was almost loose in the Overworld. Enderlox was pacing back and forth in her room while she thought of a plan to stop their father from rising from Hell.~

Enderlox: What do we do?! He can't rise from their...he jus can't!!
WitherMU: We'll stop him, maybe we should ask our fellow YouTubers! They might help us!
SkyBrine: Maybe, let's call some of them on Skype!
Enderlox: But who SkyBrine who?!
SkyBrine: Maybe our true friends first?
Enderlox: I'll have to think about it...

~They then called their friends (I'll say them in the first chapter) and told them the problem and they agreed to help~

Enderlox: This is gonna be a YouTuber Frenzy....

A/N: Hope you enjoyed :) bye! -Enderlox

YouTuber FrenzyWhere stories live. Discover now