Chapter 3

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SkyBrine's POV: 

I was lying in my bed while Bodil was playing my Xbox One, he never lets me play even though it's mine! Damn hog! Well, Ryan and the rest of the gang, including Vanoss and H20Delirious was coming shortly. So Enderlox and WitherMU went to go pick them all up from the airport, they had separate cars. I was just laying in my bed staring into space when all of a sudden Bodil screamed in my ear and I hit my head on the ceiling. "DAMN IT BODIL!!" I screamed holding my head in pain, "Sorry, thought you was asleep!" Bodil said giggling. "I'll get you back Bodil, trust me" I said growling at him. He looked scared and he left my room, finally I can get 'some' sleep before the gang arrives.

8-BitRyan's POV:

We all arrived except Vanoss and H20Delirious, they was the last 2 to show up. We all was waiting outside and we saw Enderlox and WitherMU in their separate cars. I was riding with WitherMU, Baza, and Venturian's sisters. The others was in Enderlox's car. "I'm assuming SkyBrine and Bodil are back home?" I asked WitherMU "Yep, probably fighting by now" He replied chuckling. I heard them get into a lot of fights when we record with Enderlox and WitherMU at times. They can get bad with fighting, I remember Enderlox telling me and Baza that SkyBrine beat Bodil up so bad, he was in the ER for a week! Holy crap is what I thought! They're mean to each other most of the time, it's like they want each other to kill themselves!

Vanoss' POV:

Me, Delirious, Venturian and his brother Isaac and the rest was in Enderlox's car while Ryan, Baza, and Venturian's sisters was with WitherMU in his car. Man Enderlox has a bigger car than WitherMU. I haven't seen the 4 in years, I knew them since 6th grade and they've grown! Now since their father is trying to do 'World Domination' they called just about every YouTuber out there, even the ones they recently started recording with like AntVenom and CaptainSparklez for example. But they won't be here just yet. I was just laughing and cracking jokes to make Delirious laugh because he has the funniest laugh I ever heard and I love it, it makes me laugh so hard! 

Enderlox's POV:

We all got back to my house and I Skype called a few others:  SSundee, MrCrainer, AntVenom, CaptainSparklez, and Zajcu37. "Guys, when are you coming over?" I asked in a low voice because my throat was killing me, damn strep throat!! "Sometime in a couple days" SSundee and Crainer said, they started living together because Crainer's house burnt down for some odd reason. They all said when they was gonna pack up and leave for the planes they booked. I nodded and got off Skype. Of all times why does dad have to do this to us?! I thought I killed him forever, perhaps not. I do know one trick that the others don't know. I won't say just yet~

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for not updating school is starting back soon and I've been very very busy! So thanks for everybody that tuned in and kept patient! And enjoy that roast up top, it's pure fire!! Peace out! -Enderlox

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