Chapter 2

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(Hope you guys enjoy this part and far on! :) and don't forget to vote!)


WitherMU's POV:  

Enderlox was just crying away and SkyBrine tried to calm her down but she kept slapping him. I laughed to myself every time he got bitch slapped and went to text Bazamalam and 8-BitRyan.

W= WitherMU

R= 8-BitRyan

B= Bazamalam

W:  Hey guys, how's it going with you and the rest of the gang?

R:  Good, how's your sister?

W:  She keeps bitch slapping SkyBrine, I laugh my ass off every time before he tries and hits me

B:  Heh, she means business. 

W:  Oh yeah. Anyways, where are you guys? And what about the rest?

R:  We're all on our way to your state. Kentucky right?

W:  Yeah, I love living here. It's nice!

B:  I bet it is you silly twat, xD

R:  xD

W:  Wow, you called me a twat, XD

R:  Me and Baza are getting ready to aboard the plane. We'll see you there and we'll text the others and meet up with each other before you guys get there to pick us up. 

W:  Sounds fine with me. See you guys then

*They said their goodbyes and WitherMU put his phone up*

Man...we'll need all the help we can get. It's not fair to us that he is rising quickly...I laughed when Enderlox chased SkyBrine around the house, me and Bodil was on the floor laughing our asses off. "Dude, this has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen Enderlox and SkyBrine do" Bodil said laughing, "Yeah!" I said laughing uncontrollably on the floor. I looked up and saw SkyBrine run in here and faceplanted right on the floor. Me and Bodil laughed harder, basically screaming!

Baza's POV (Bazamalam):

Me and Ryan was getting on the plane to Kentucky and then when we arrived to meet up with everybody. I got my seat next to Ryan, I got the window, and put my ear buds in and went to sleep. I then woke up to Ryan waking me up. It was 1:30 PM and we was landing in 1 hour. "You slept for like a day dude" Ryan said chuckling, I laughed and laid my head back and thought of what was gonna happen in the future when we fight Enderlox's father. 

Markiplier's POV: 

I was on a plane with Jack and Felix to Kentucky, I picked them up and then got on this plane. I was sitting at the window and Jack was in the middle about to fall asleep, Felix was just reading a book. I sighed when I felt very sleepy. I eventually fell asleep and started to have a dream.

===~Mark's Dream~===

I was in a dark, hellish like room I saw Jack and Felix tied up and knocked out. I was able to roam freely, strange. I walked out of the room and looked around and then it hit me, I was in Hell with Herobrine, I walked around and saw another room, I saw two people tied up. It was Venturian and HomelessGoomba! 'Where is they're sisters?' I asked myself as I went out of the room they was in. I then heard a familiar scream, it was Enderlox, I rushed to where it was and saw her father beating the ever-living shit out of her. "HEY!!!" I yelled, Herobrine looked at me and his eyes glowed whiter than usual. He blasted something at me and all I remember was seeing him pick me up, then I blacked out. 

===~End of Mark's Dream~===

I shot straight up and was panting and it woke Jack up and brought Felix to my attention. "What's wrong dude?" Felix asked, "I had a nightmare dude...a horrible one" I said trying to calm down. I explained to them what happened and what I saw. "*Gasps* that's horrible!" Jack said with a shocked face. "We will be landing in 5 minutes dude" Felix said with a reassuring look. I nodded and rubbed my eyes to wake up more. If I ever have that dream again, I will make sure to kick Herobrine's ass!

HomelessGoomba's POV:

I was next to Jordan while he slept on my shoulder, I was at the window and Jordan was next to me. Bethany and Cierra was behind us sitting together while chatting and giggling about us probably. I sighed and just continued to play with my Rubix Cube that Jordan bought me a month ago. I smiled as it had my custom symbol on it. 'I love it' I thought to myself as I messed it and and then started to solve it. I was a pro at Rubix Cube's and I never got under 1 minute, that's my goal is to never get under 1 minute. I remember a time where I got 0.999, I was VERY close! I shook my head and began to solve the cube. I solved it then put it away as I woke up Jordan telling him that we landed. "Jordan wake up, we're here!" I said in his ear and he bolted up as I laughed to myself. "Please don't do that again Isaac..." Jordan said chuckling. I nodded and got off the plane with him in front of me. We all waited for the rest of the gang to arrive and then Ryan would text WitherMU to come pick us up. Thank goodness he has enough room for all of us! 

A/N:  Good lord that took what felt like years! But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all in the next one, Peace! -Enderlox

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