tyler; chapter two

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There he was, pacing frantically, his thoughts attacking his brain as he felt his heart speed up, hands shake and breathing start to become increasingly uneven and jagged.

But this was normal for Tyler, he was always fighting back and forth in his own mind. He was his own worst enemy.

"Tyler, honey, you need to calm do-" His mother began.

"I can't, mom! Can't you see that they want me dead, they need me dead! They, they.." He hated his outbursts, he hated himself. But he never felt as bad when he felt the tears prick at his eyes, it made him feel weak and being weak, he convinced himself, was the worst thing.

"Oh, Tyler..Honey.." His mother said so bitterly sweet, if there was anything he hated more than therapy, it was his mom's constant sympathy.

Something finally snapped inside him. His arms swatted his mom's open arms away as he began to feel uneasy again, letting his legs lead him, he started running. And he kept running until he couldn't run anymore, he stopped after he felt his heart in throat.

He heaved for air, hunched over, his hands on his knees. As Tyler began to stand, he saw a motorcycle go by, it went by so quickly it created a breeze. Tyler stood there like a statue, his body going cold.

"I should probably go home.." He mumbled to himself before running back to his home where he mom was probably worrying about him.

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