josh; chapter five

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As Tyler was interrupted from who I assumed was his mother, I began to get uneasy again despite the fact that I had calmed down a bit.

"Hi, sorry about my son," She paused for a second, glancing back at Tyler whom had taken a few steps back, his brown eyes now low, looking down at his feet, in embarrassment I suppose. "I'm Kelly, and you are?"

"Oh, I'm Josh, Josh Dun." I paused, wiping my now sweaty palms on my jeans. "I guess I should explain why I'm at your door-"

Kelly cut me out, which honestly, rubbed me the wrong way. All I could think about was how massive of a bitch she was. "Are you bullying my son or something? Is this why you showed up at nearly two in the morning?" Her lips turned downward into almost...a scowl.

"No! I'm new in town and I don't have anywhere to stay so I was wondering-" I began before she cut me off yet again, man, I really didn't like her.

"The answer's no." She said almost instantly, shutting the door in my face. I flinched as I felt the slight draft of the door swinging in my face. I stood there for a few seconds, trying to process all that'd happen. But all I could really wrap my mind around was the fact I might actually have to back to my home — no it wasn't a home; home was where you felt safe and I most definitely and certainly did not feel safe back there.

I sighed, and began to walk back to my motorcycle, which was still sitting next to the mailbox, prompted up by the kickstand of it. I saw the few lights that were on in the house go off as I made it about halfway to my motorcycle before the door flung open.

"Josh!" I heard someone call out, making me freeze in my steps, my stomach tying into knots. I looked behind me slowly only to see Tyler, waving his arms around.

"Come here!" He yelled out again, in more of a hushed tone this time, but loud enough to make sure I could hear him. I let out a small sigh and sprinted over to the door. He pulled me into his house abruptly, which made me stumble clumsily. Luckily Tyler was there to catch me before I nearly fell down flat on my face.

My breath was caught in my throat as I peered into his eyes, my own eyes skimming his face. First to his nose, which was sharp, defined. Then to his lips, which looked so beautiful even in the dim light that spilled out from the moon through the window.

He cleared his throat and let go of me and I looked down to the side, feeling a bit awkward about how long I'd must've been staring at his face.

"Follow me upstairs, you can spend the night in my room." He said, flashing me a silly smile that showed all his teeth, his bottom row of teeth, I noticed, were a bit crooked, but in the cutest of ways. He began to walk upstairs, making sure to stay as quiet as possible and I did the same before I heard a creak in the floorboard. Which made me unsettled, a pit in my stomach arose as I gulped.

Tyler stopped walking and looked back at me, and mouthed 'it's this way' before he began to walk again, taking a left to a door that had red and black scribblings on it. The word 'blurry' carved into it. He twisted the doorknob, pushing the door to reveal his neat room.

In it was a keyboard, a ukulele, and a bass guitar. He must be into music or something, I thought to myself as I stepped into his room. I shoved my hands into my coat pockets, looking around his room some more.

"I have a sleeping bag and an extra pillow you can use to sleep." He said with a small smile, walking over to his closet to pull out a rolled up sleeping bag and a small pillow and walked over to me, handing me them.

"Thanks." I said, smiling brightly at him as he kicked off his jeans and hopped into bed. I rolled out the sleeping bag and unzipped the top of it so I could get into it and then I set the pillow behind my head, sighing softly as I closed my eyes.

Though it'd probably only been a full day since I've gotten to sleep, I don't think I'd ever felt more tired than now. My eyelids grew heavy as I felt myself start to drift off into sleep.

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