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 "Log date; 7112. This entire planet is... backwards. There hasn't been one instance of correct behavior exhibited by any one of these "Crystal Gems". I have concluded that they are all defective. 

But I am no better.

 I failed my mission and now I'm working with the enemy. And I can't even get that right. I have apparently "hurt" Amethyst's "feelings", which was not my intent.

 If I've damaged my standing with the best Gem here, then I've made a serious mistake. I'm still learning. I hope you understand. I want to understand. 

I'm sorry.

 Peridot. Facet 5. End log."


I can almost remember those words as if it were the past day -- yesterday. I regret hurting Amethyst's "feelings". I felt... small. It's been a while, though. Lazuli arrived at the barn. And she's not happy. She broke my recorder. She's just a grumpy, lumpy, clod! 

And Lazuli still doesn't like me sharing the barn with her. She forced me to sit outside. I don't like the barn anymore.

The barn feels... empty. Lonely. I feel as if Lazuli still has a grudge against me. And she still does. She even said it right to my face.

"I don't like you."

"And I want you to leave. I only did that for Steven."

I clenched my fists as my face heated up, in anger, and frustration. Well, she can have Steven. But she'll only regret not having the great and lovable Peridot keeping her company! 

So, I ran away from the barn. 

And I'm definitely not coming back, so she can have her happy little "par-tay" at the barn. 

And I actually have no idea how to get back.

Darn it.

Why does earth have to be so difficult?!

_ _ _ _ _ _

(A/N): prologue is in first person. the next chapters might be in third person now.

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