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Peridot didn't hesitate to look back to the rather irritated Lazuli behind her. She just ran. She did trip, but she just, still ran. 

The small gem released a sigh, pulling her head to the cloudy sky above her. Exactly where could she even go now? She's been at the barn for so long that she doesn't remember how to get back.

Pathetic! I can't even remember how to get back. That conveniently-shaped large temple-hill like thing isn't helping either!  Frustrated, Peridot kicked away a pebble, sending it flying. That's right, flimsy rock, feel my fury! 


The voice frightened Peridot enough to make her yelp. Oh no! Has the great and lovable, absolutely magnificent Peridot, kick a pebble, into a fragile and soft human being?!  Peridot quietly faced the tall looking human, quivering nervously. "I apologize very badly," she confessed, not bearing to look at the human. Or was it a gem? Or maybe a hybrid, like the Steven?

The - "thing" just stared at Peridot. For a while. That was, until a smirk grew on his lips. "Are you lost? Do you want me to find your mommy?"

Mommy? Mommy. What is a mommy? Perhaps it is another gem species... a quartz. Tan colored? Blue eyes? What an odd name. Perhaps it's a nickname...

"Um, hello?" Clearly, he was waiting for a response.

"Yes, I am lost, I am looking for the Steven. And, who is... Mommy?"

This just led to the guy starting to snort at her. Then, what irritated her more, is that he started... laughing at her.

What was so hilarious? Surely I'm not making a joke?

""The Steven"? "Who is Mommy"? Man, you have short term memory loss or something? Aren't you like, a toddler?"

A spark seemed to flare at her, leaving her to tense up in somewhat of a half embarrassed, half annoyed expression. A toddler? She was sure he was insulting him. Completely sure of it.

"Listen up here, filthy human. My name is Peridot. Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG. If you think you can insult me, then you are wrong. I've called a superior Diamond a clod, right to her face. I made a drill, that dug all the way to the Earth's core, to save the earth, to save, all of you, from a shattered cluster of gems trying to FORM! And let's see, who'd be laughing now, when without me, you guys would have been wiped out clean!"

Peridot, furious, stared at the overly rude humanoid looming over her. She was sure that he was gonna say something stupid, since he literally was about to respond, but something interrupted him. No, someone.


Peridot swung her head to the side to stare at a short human-like being sprint after. Maybe she was watching?

Lars followed Peridot's gaze, looking over hesitantly. "Hey Sadie"

"Don't 'Hey Sadie' me. You keep on slacking off. And now you're picking on a baby?" by her tone, she obviously seemed upset.

"I AM NOT A BABY," she snapped back, her face flushed with a dark green. "I AM A PERIDOT." She seemed to be extremely miffed by all this, 'Oh, Peridot is a baby' thing.

Because, she was not a baby, at all. 

"Sorry, it's just that..." She glanced over at Lars. He seemed to return the same glance. "You look very young."

She means I'm short? Well, why don't you look at yourself too!

"I need to find Steven--do you know his possible location?" she inquired, looking around frantically. "Of course! He lives at that large hill like temple thing." she gestured to the one right ahead of it over the horizon.

"Hmm... the hill-temple..." she murmured, squinting her eyes as she adjusted her visors. Of course! Why was I so blind to not notice?! 

"... Wow, thanks, Sadie and Lars. Actually, no thanks to you Lars. You can go away now." Peridot attempted to shoo away Lars -- it didn't work, but at least she has the information. 

I guess human beings can actually be useful for once! Steven is always useful. She mused, before bounding through beach city.

 She finally was going to be able to arrive home. Where Steven, Garnet, Pearl, and, Amethyst were. Finally! It was almost as if the past day was when he got to see them. She did a little hop of excitement, staring along the sand below her feet. 

It was a little tiring, having to walk all that way, but it was worth it.

"Hello? It's me, Peridot."

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