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Peridot patiently waited fr a response at the entrance, grumbling lightly. Could they at least speed it up already? Hopefully they're not occupied with something. 

The small green gem released a sigh. Why weren't they opening the door? What if they didn't want her there?... Of course not.  Everyone adores Peridot!... Well, except for Lazuli. She was the reason why she had to run off, since she apparently hated Peridot, for all she knew.

If she had her limb enhancers, she would blast open the door as if it was no big deal -- but she doesn't, since Steven just said that he lost them, which wasn't hard to believe. They were harvesting other gems, just like her, for who knows what?

Her attention flashed back on the door, which grew to her attention. It seemed to... open. Finally! She mused, eyes bright as she was prepared to spill out everything that happened -- she could have easily seen it now. . .

But, it wasn't who she expected.


Amethyst?! A churning feeling gripped at her chest. "Oh, h-hello, Amethyst." she greeted plainly. "What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be back at the barn, with the ocean gem?" she asked, nearly as calm as she was. It seemed pretty relieving to see Amethyst again.

"No, not really. I just escaped from the barn because I wanted to... visit you guys." she admitted, twiddling her fingers.

"You look different," Peridot stated, her voice a bit louder this time. "Did you get more cooler?" she joked, while Amethyst just grinned back.

"So, where's Steven?... And the others?" Peridot asked, her arms behind her back. 

"Pearl's with Connie and Steven for some sword-fighting stuff," she said with a shrug. "You wanna come look?" she suggested, placing her hands on her hips as she put on her usual lazy expression.

"...Sword-fighting?" Peridot mumbled, testing out the new word. "Yeah, c'mon," said Amethyst, grabbing Peridot's arm and dragging her to the warp pad.

And off they went.

A/N: This is before Crack the Whip and Beta by the way. And thank you for the 100 reads!  I really appreciate it...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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