Its back

492 11 3

I awoke to the sound of the birds chirping softly and I fluttered my eyes open to see my bedroom which towered high due to the magic I used with my wand to create, my wand, that was now defective. I groaned and tossed over hearing my alarm clock for school I covered my ears with the pillow and was shocked when Marco didn't come barging in to turn it off and wake me up so I wouldn't be late for school so I turned the alarm clock and walked to his room, he wasn't there. Well I didn't think much of this Marco had always been an early bird and up getting ready, but the bathroom where he would usually be in door's was wide open and empty. I heard a screech from the kitchen where I ran down stairs to see him panting as he went through the pantry. "Marco?" I called but he didn't respond so I neared the pantry and stood beside him, he still hasn't picked up my presence why not spook him?
But he greeted me "hello star" he said in the most emotionless voice I had ever heard him speak in. "Oh hey Marco" I cheered but he turned away "the monster arm is back" he growled at me "I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU FIXED IT" his eyes began to flow red with furry I let out a small whimper seeing the arm squirm from the pantry I backed away a bit slowly he began to look down at me I watched his eyes as they shifted back to a hazel nut brown and he groaned weakly "I'm sorry star" he weezed "I'm just tired" I widened then blinked my eyes, "well shit this isn't good" I mumbled under my breath and chuckled I had never sworn before

This is still really bad ~ I thought quickly widening my eyes once more

Ice Cold (Starco fan fiction )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang