Part 4

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I rubbed my arm after Zexion gave me my shot of medicine. I knew that he hated doing it because it puts me in a lot of pain.

He cleaned up the blood that was on my arm and sighed sadly.

"Ryo, you really need to learn to sleep. I don't want to keep doing this. It pains me to see such a beautiful creature in pain."

I laid down and he covered me up with my fluffy blanket and sighed again.

"I can't let anyone hurt you. The fact that I have to cause you pain so you can sleep..."

I sat up and touched his hand as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Everything will be ok, Zexion. Besides, sometimes when I feel pain I know I am alive."

He looked at me with his sad blue eyes. I knew the reason why he felt bad. He promised my father that he would take care of me and not let anything hurt me. I guess when he had to give me my medicine, he thought he was breaking his promise to Father.

"This is just something you have to do."

"I wish you were like Kamine when we created her. She was much easier to create."

I start to think of how she might have been created. She was probably prettier before I came along.

"We had no complications. She was..."

"The perfect creation of life. I understand."

I removed my hand from Zexion's and looked out the window into the dark night sky. He knew he hurt my feelings which was more of breaking the promise than physical pain.

"Ryo, that's not what I meant. Her creation had complications in a different way than yours. She took years to create. You were only months. But, those months led to the complications we have now."

"Like how I hate sleep?"

He chuckled.

"Not exactly. But I'm surprised you're still able to make complete sentences right about now. Usually I would have come and checked on you and you would be asleep."

"It's hard to stay awake. Trust me." I said while yawning.

Get some sleep was the last words I heard.


"Ryo." I heard a voice call. I didn't want to get up. Not yet anyways. When I got to sleep was like a light-filled person having a good day. Sleeping sometimes was my treat.

"Ryo." The voice called again. I finally realized it was feminine. It had to be Kamine telling me that breakfast was ready. But I was in bliss. I didn't want to move from the comfort I was in.

"Ryo Kato!" The voice finally yelled. I sat up real fast and blinked my eyes. Turning my head, I saw Doll standing there. She looked ticked and sad. But sad is how she always looked to me.

"Whut?" I asked, groggily. I guess she didn't know my sleep schedule.

The next thing I knew, I was on feet running out of the castle.

"Doll! What's going on?!"

She shook her head as she continued to drag me behind her.

I looked behind me and saw dark figures. I knew they weren't Heartless or the Organization. That meant they were my nightmare.

"The Lonely Ones...."

The two of us continued to run. I saw Kamine's pink hair fly right by us. I knew she was better than me but I didn't think she was faster.

I then saw white and red hair run in the opposite direction of us.


I could see Doll smile. She then looked at me with that smile still plastered to her face.

"You have great friends."

I look over my shoulder and see Rissa with Umi. They were talking to one of the hooded people. I gasped when I saw the hood come off.



Kamine and I sat in Styler's apartment. Styler was sitting beside me with a worried look on her face.

"They tried to get you?" She asked.

I looked over at Kamine who was standing by the window with her arms crossed.

"That's right. I'm not exactly sure-"

"Ryo. They are after Ryo." Kamine turned and sighed.

"But why?" The blonde asked. She knew me too well. She knew I was never in trouble.

"I'm not exactly sure myself. I mean, we were both created but that makes no sense why they would just be after her and not us both."

I looked at my gloves and swallowed. I finally figured out why they might be after me.

"Sora." I whispered.

Styler looked at me.

"Did you just say Sora?"

I could feel Kamine's multi-blue eyes on me. I bet she didn't realize that I had been able to see him in my dreams.

"Wh-where is he?" I asked Styler.

She smiled and pointed to a picture of her and Sora.

"Destiny Islands."

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