Part 6

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I decided to stay with Umi the first night. I mean, I loved his place. Always filled with my kind of ice cream and his.

"Want some soda?" He asked me.

"Do you have Chocolate?"

I watched his lips curl into a smile. I couldn't help but blush. He was adorable when he smiled. He moved his white bangs out of his eyes.

"Of course. I'll be back with your RAMUNE!" He said laughing.

I covered my face. He knew I hated saying ramune because I could never say it correctly. It always came out like raymoon. I guess he thought it was adorable because he would laugh.

I watched him enter the room with my soda with some chocolate ice cream as well.

"I thought you might want some." He said, sitting the bowl and bottle on the tiny table in front of me.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" I screamed in a jokingly way.

I watched his shoulders move up and down as he laughed. I could see tears gather in the corners of his eyes as he continued to laugh.

"You like chocolate, so no, I'm not trying to kill you." He said wiping his eyes.

He looked at me and blinked.

"I-it's gone. Where-"

"It's in my belly. I ate it while you were laughing for about two minutes."

This time it was my turn to laugh. I closed my eyes and laughed. I could feel my shoulder raise and lower as I laughed. My crown necklace hit my collarbone repeatedly.

"S-stop laughing. I'll k-kiss you if you don't!" I heard Umi say.

I continued to laugh, not believing him. He was always saying things. But little did I know, he was telling the truth.

I realized I couldn't laugh anymore. I opened my eyes and saw Umi's closed eyes and bangs. My eyes widened in surprise. I slowly closed them. There was no fighting with him now. I mean, his lips were on mine so I couldn't protest.

I felt his arms pull me closer. I knew then, Umi had the same feelings for me as I did him.

"Ryo." He whispered.


"He kissed you?!" Styler asked in surprise. I could see her eyes sparkle.

"Yeah, it felt weird."

I could tell Styler trying to contain her laughter. She had kissed Roxas on the lips and Akira on the cheek. So she knows what it feels like. Umi has kissed me once before but this one felt different.

"Ryo, it was gonna feel weird due to one reason. This kiss was a real one."

I thought to when I was younger and Kamine kissed my forehead. She said she was able to know when I was in trouble. Was it the same with the first kiss Umi gave me? Did me?

"Dear, listen. I know some things about li'l ol' Umi that you don't. Like how he has a brother."

"Yoto...Yoto...Ichigo? I believe." I looked at her.

I saw her ball her fists up. I could feel the anger radiating off of her. I knew she didn't like to be interrupted.

"But I heard he has a nickname. What is it?" I asked trying to calm her down. I felt like I knew the nickname but I couldn't place it.

"Zorax. His nickname is Zorax." She said, smiling.

I giggled. I couldn't tell her that I knew who Yoto was because of Kamine. Kamine had a big....BIG crush on Yoto. He would never pay attention to her though because she isn't the real Namine. The girl he likes.

"Did you know Umi had a Nobody?"

I shook my head. So now I was learning more and more about my crush. I wonder how much he knows about me.

"His Nobody's name is Akkito. He is really weird." She held up a picture of the mysterious boy.

I rolled my eyes. He looked like Yoto a little. I looked out the window to the setting sun. I smiled remembering when I lived back in Castle Oblivion and the two came to visit me.

Her blonde hair was pretty in the setting sun. It reflected the color of sky perfectly. Umi's hair did the same, in fact. But the color seemed to dye his hair. Like the color was permanently there. The two looked so beautiful that I was jealous every time I saw them.

I can replay that moment over and over. I could replay many moments over. Like how I first met Rissa.

"Oh? Who's this?" The red haired girl asked him. She had beautiful eyes and her hair was the perfect length for her.

"I'm Ryo. Umi's friend."

The memory I will never forget is learning that Kohaku wants to kill me. Being part of The Lonely Ones after all.

I gasped when I saw the hood come off.


"Earth to Ryo. Come in Ryo!" Styler screamed at me.

I shook my head and looked in her direction. She was already in her pj's. I must say that they looked cute on her. And I usually don't say things like that about someone's clothes.


"I'm going to bed. You can sleep in my room on the floor, in bed..WITH A DIFFERENT BLANKET, or on the couch. I really don't care. Good night Ryo."


I watched her leave then sighed. I needed more medicine. I wish Zexion would have upped the dosage. I can't sleep. I hope the sun comes quickly.

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