Failed Guardian

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Tears roll down my face to the floor. As I sit and realize I can't hold you anymore. I remember all those smiles you gave and how you never doubted me. Now you're gone. What am i supposed to do? You were my happiness. What am I supposed to do? Even if i was a mess you always only saw my best. Please. I just want to hold you. Tell you how much i love you just ounce more. But I can't. So tell me my love you want me to be happy but i don't know how. What am I supposed to do?

What if everything froze? And i had the ability to turn back time to the moments where i held you.

What would happen then? Could you stay with me? Your weak protector. Your failed guardian.

Do I even deserve that? Could I hug you again? Could I watch you grow up some more? Honestly I could gaze at  you for hours. How cute and simply beautiful you were. That sparkle in your eyes, your gorgeous black hair, how excited you were when I came home.

With the time spent without you I die more inside. I'm sure you're  in heaven, but I don't know if I'll meet you there. I suppose from hell I'll just stare. Up at you, my personal light, my little sunshine. But that doesn't explain how beautiful you are. You were the best thing that happened to me. The thing I lived for.  Even so I wasn't able to save you from that god damn car.

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