Would it be ok?

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Would it be ok

To enter a relationship with you if I felt I would bring you down or hurt you or drive you crazy

With Schrodinger's cat. If I knew opening the box would possibly end the life inside

Would it be ok if I opened it?

Would the uncertainty of  its fate justify my actions putting it in danger?

If I thought I wouldn't be enough for you

Would it be ok if I wanted to be your everything?

If I thought you deserved the world but couldn't give it to you

If I wanted to pour my love all over you but can't because I'm not sure what real love is so my version of it would be but an imitation even though you deserve the most authentic love ever

Would it be ok to be with you?

If I depended on you more than you depended on me...

Would it be ok if I wanted to be the shoulder you lean on?

If I can drop more tears on your favorite shirt than I can crack smiles on your beautiful face...

If I know you deserve the best because you are the cream of the crop but I'm scraping myself off the bottom of the barrel

Would it be ok to expect you to want me?

If I might be able to create an antidote for the poison I'm made of

If I don't know how long it would take to remedy the sickness that is me 

Would it be ok to expect you to wait?

If I am aware of my deficiencies and issues and weaknesses

If all I could do was hope to be good to you but can't guarantee it

Would it be ok to let you take a chance on it?

If the possibility of a happy ending outweighed the possibility of me putting you through hell?

Would it be ok?

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