14I GHOSTBUSTERS I Film Discussion

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So... there's a dilemma here: Do I judge this movie as a stand-alone product on itself or as a remake?

An argument can be made for both sides. On the one hand, it does seem fairer to look at a film for what it is and purely that. On the other hand, the movie has the audacity to use the name Ghostbusters; so the filmmakers should know that the movie will be compared to the original. If I'm being subjective, which is what most reviewers do, it is very difficult not to look at this movie as a remake. Yet, I'm going to try cut corners with this one, mainly because I already knew going in this won't be a great film.

I had no anticipation for this movie when it was first announced. I hoped it could be good. My expectation was low after I saw the who would be writing and directing the film – but we'll get back to that at the end of this. Anyhow, my opinion changed when the trailer came out – I became much more defensive of the film as a whole. I didn't think the trailers look that terrible. I knew I wasn't getting a true-to-form Ghostbusters movie, so I was more or less expecting another comedy movie. For that the trailers look fine enough. The jokes fell flat, yes, but I always thought that's what Paul Feig's trailers do. I hated the Spy trailer; I didn't end up hating the movie.

From there the Internet never stopped talking about the trailer and how bad the movie will be. That was when Ghostbusters became the most anticipated movie of the year for me. By that time, I had to know if it's actually as bad as people expect it to be.

Well, here's my verdict after seeing the film.

As a movie, it's not that bad. Nor is it good either.

As a remake or a reboot, it's a piss-poor attempt at every level. Despite a few scenes that play out in the vein of the original, the films fails to capture the style, the tone and the concept of the 1984 film.... but I already knew that going in - so I was not disappointed. So what do I think of it as a movie then?

Even if I judge it as a stand alone story, I cannot enjoy this movie as a comedy– it just isn't funny. I chuckled like twice in the movie and for the most part it's a film highly devoid of any real entertainment. The jokes fell as flat in the movie as it did in the trailer.

Now, I think the reason the comedy really doesn't work in this movie is because Paul Feig is just not in his zone making the film. Paul Feig is great at making original films like Spy or Bridesmaid where he can really explore the comedic possibilities. In this, the comedy seems surprisingly limited. The story is basically following the beats of the 1984 originals except this one unfortunately focuses more on them becoming the ghostbusters – this is not needed and extremely boring.

However, when the characters actually go out and fight ghosts, the movie is indeed entertaining in that colorful and action packed way. More importantly, the characters are likeable enough, and the actresses portray them really well.

The actresses are the best part of the film. Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon would be perfect choices for the new Ghostbusters. They have good chemistry and they can all be funny on their own, so that's a definite win-win. People will have a love-hate relationship with Kate McKinnon's character. For the record I love her; she is my favourite character. Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy play characters that seem pretty by-the-number but the whole thing did work. Their is a story arch surrounding their friendship and the movie tackles it with sufficient care, though not in the most impressively mature way. Leslie Jones is very energetic and stands very much on the edge of being annoying. She manages to find a right balance and I'm fine with her. For now at least.

As for Chris Hemsworth... his character really is horrible. There's no way around it. His character is based on a single joke: that he's stupid. I don't find it very funny, well, maybe for the first few moments but he really got on my nerve after a while. His character is supposed to be dumb but that really is all they do with him. They didn't really give him any other characteristics at all. So it is hard for me to get behind the character or feel like he's important. I guess I could see him being this funny side joke but I just wished the jokes or in this case the joke is a little funnier... No, I take it back – there should really be more than one joke and please give his character some other characteristics. Have him fall in love with Kate McKinnon's character or something or Melissa McCarthy's, either one would be really funny.

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