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In a year full of disappointment, I managed to fill my worst list up quite a bit faster than the Best list, which is a shame. This year has definitely seen a general drop in standard for mainstream movies. There are actually many more average movies, slightly more good movies, far less great movies, and a greater amount of shit movies making it to the big screen. We shall look at the latter in today.

Xby TurboMac

Once again, the ranking is based upon how much I hate these movies and it can be really subjective so don't take it as anything objective. Also, I managed to skip a string of bad movies this year for my own sake so films like The Purge Election Year, Shut-in, The Other Side of the Door, Meet the Blacks, Ratchet and Clank and When the Bough Breaks will not be making the list.

Honorable Mentions:

HM. Cells

This movie is far too insignificant to me. There will be a couple more movies on the list that, like this film, falls under the non-movies category – films that I struggle to qualify as real movies. Somehow those other ones just infuriate me more than Cells. I just totally forgot about this one.

HM. Ghostbusters

Despite some nice set pieces, some honestly fun CGI, and the really good cast of actresses, the 2016 Ghostbusters tanked. My problem with it is that I did not laugh. For me it is a failure of a comedy and an even worse failure of a remake. That said, I had a lot of fun anticipating this movie – like a LOT of fun. That added some positivity to my views on this film. There are also some good elements in it that I did enjoy – the actresses particularly. Those factors and the low expectation I had for this movie meant I don't actually hate this movie enough to put it on the list.

HM. Ben-Hur

Another horrendous remake. Boring as hell. Like Ghostbusters, saved by some Silver linings and the VERY low expectation. When I saw the trailer, I was sure this would be on my Worst list, but after watching it I ultimately spared it for a few decent scenes.

HM. Batman V. Superman

My feelings toward BvS remain too ambiguous for me to put it on the list. There are some really shitty scenes in this but there are also some genuinely cool scenes in this (Is no one in agreement with me that the Bat tornado was cool?). This movie could've made the list based on the single merit of destroying the world's greatest premise, but it saved itself by a margin.

HM. Independence Day Resurgence

I just don't hate this one. I don't know why. I mean I know it's bad. Really bad actually... I enjoyed many of the stupid scenes, I don't know why.

Enough stalling. Let's get into it.

10. Batman: The Killing Joke

DC angers a lot of people this year, including me. Strangely enough it's not the hotly anticipated and bone-crushingly disappointing Batman V Superman or the incoherent mess Suicide Squad that got to me (in fact I enjoyed that second one), but the strangely lazy and misguided adaptation that is The Killing Joke. We all talk about the Batgirl stuff and while it's really bad and takes up a painstaking 30 minutes of the hour and a half film, it's not the only bad thing about the movie. Most people could forgive the rest of the movie, but I'm surprised not many people are talking about the insultingly cheap animation. This decision was either massively misguided or just lazy. If it was the second one, may I ask who decided that one of the greatest and most beloved comic book of all time should get a sub-par film treatment. For me, the attempt to be perfectly accurate to the graphic novel was more infuriating. If they're just going to do a frame-by-frame adaptation, tell me why I shouldn't just read the comic book? I know Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy are there but are they really the only saving grace? You could've made this into a movie, adapt the script, make it cinematic, put some effort into the direction, work the transitions. Instead they make a 60-minute useless piece of nothingness and slap another 30 minutes of a bullshit story in front of it. This will not be the last time I talk about bad adaptations.

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