Chapter 18

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I knew I should open my eyes. I could feel the light shinning in from the other side of my eyelids. But I was so comfortable under the warmth of the blanket, with him next to me, waiting.

I squinted one eye open at him, lying across from me. He didn't say a word. He had a hint of a smile surfacing on his gorgeous face. His skin was luminous with the light peering in through the large glass door behind him, with a pinkish flush across his prominent cheekbones.

"Can I ask you something?" His minty breath fanned my face. His hand came up to my face as he tucked a strand piece of hair behind my ear. I shook my head, clamping my mouth shut. He chuckled. "Need to brush your teeth?" I smiled before nodding my head. "Okay."

I jotted out of bed and began brushing my teeth when the doorbell rang. I spat out and wiped my mouth dry before grabbing Dylan's shirt and slipped it on. I headed downstairs to answer the door.

I opened the door and my stomach dropped to the floor. "Ethan?" My voice shook.

His lips curved up as his eyes trailed down my figure. "Hey baby." His words slurred as he bit down on his lower lip before wrapping his arms around my waist, gripping it with such want.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you." His eyes locked with mine and I flinched at the fire burning in them. "I told you I would find you."

I forcefully moved his hands away and stabbed my index finger into his chest. "You need to leave Ethan!" I blocked the entrance by closing the door half way, but he pushed it wide open.

He grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me into his chest. "Are you threatening me, Demi?" His cold hand slid up my shirt and I shivered. "I've missed you." He grabbed my chin and placed a forceful kiss onto my lips.

I lifted my hand up to slap him but he caught it in his grasp and threw me to the side, slamming me against the wall. I fell to the floor and knocked my chin on the tiles, biting my tongue in the process. A small whimper escaped my lips as a hint of blood lingered on my tongue.

Ethan stalked his way over to me. I stuck out my hand in surrender as he slowly bent down to my level. "Please, Ethan stop."

"What are you wearing?" His hand gripped the fabric of Dylan's shirt and a breathy laugh escaped his lips before he slapped me across the face. "Who the fuck have you slept with?!"

My eyes opened weakly to see Dylan tackle Ethan to the floor. He pinned him down and threw punches at his face. Ethan failed at blocking the punches but lifted his leg up and jabbed his knee into Dylan's back repeatedly.

Dylan tumbled over and Ethan took advantage. Ethan jumped onto Dylan and turned him around before pulling his fist back and cracking it against Dylan's jaw.

"Ethan!" I yelled as he placed another punch to Dylan's face. "Ethan stop!" I grabbed his fist and he pulled it out of my grip. "Please, I'm sorry!" At that apology, he looked up at me and got up off of Dylan. Dylan rolled over and coughed up blood.

Ethan's bloody hands cupped my cheeks. "Babe, I'm the only one that deserves you." I fought the tears that filled my eyes. "This asshole is not allowed to touch you! I love you." I turned my head, which he forced forward. "Say it back!"

He studied my face, awaiting my answer while his eyes displayed anger with lust. "I-"

Without warning, Dylan punched Ethan solid on the nose, knocking him down to the ground. Dylan pushed me aside as he crushed his foot into Ethan's stomach. I watched in horror as Dylan repeatedly kicked Ethan in the side, causing Ethan to cry out in pain.


Dylan glanced at me before he grabbed onto Ethan's color and dragged him to the front door like a trash bag. He lifted him up to his feet and pushed him outside. Ethan stumbled over his feet and crashed down to the grass. "If you ever touch Demi again," he stated through gritted teeth. "I'll fucking kill you!"

Ethan glanced up at me and spat out blood. "You're going to regret it Demi." Petrified, I grabbed onto Dylan's arm. Ethan shot Dylan a deathly glare before he turned around and got into his car.

Dylan shut the door once Ethan was out of site and embraced me into a hug. I sobbed as he squeezed me tighter. "Demi," he pulled back and swiped under my eyes. "Why the hell haven't you told anybody about Ethan?"

"I don't know," I stuttered. "Ethan will do anything in his power to hurt somebody I love." Dylan hushed me before his arms wrapped tighter around my waist. I looked up at his swollen, purple eye that shut closed and his lip that was torn open by the piercing. "I'm sorry." I glanced down at the floor.

"Don't be." He placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up to face him. "How's your face?" He asked.

"Nothing compared to yours." I lifted my hand up and gently brushed it against his cheek. "I'll get ice."

I left his warm embrace and entered the kitchen before grabbing ice from the freezer and wrapping it in a cloth.

I sat down next to Dylan and lifted the cloth up to his face. He stopped my hand midway and took the cloth out of it before gently placing it against my cheek. The coldness immediately numbed my cheek and I closed my eyes as he held it up a bit longer. "I'm sorry."

I opened my eyes as Dylan's soft hand tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "What for?"

"If I had heard it earlier, or even opened the door like I should have because I'm the man in the house, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. I mean, I'm much stronger-"

"Dylan." I cut his rambling off. "I'm not hurt. You are. I should have told you. I should have told you about Ethan. But to be honest we weren't exactly that close."

"I know. But I can promise you this," Dylan's hand slid down my arm slowly as his eyes followed the action and placed it on my thigh. "I'm not going to let him hurt you again."

"Thank you." I glanced down at his hand and smiled. "I don't know how he found me." I paused, pondered about everyone who I had told about where I'm staying. "I told him I was leaving to California but not where."

"Could it have been your dad?"

Realisation had dawned down on me. I had not told my father about Ethan's abusive actions and my dad could have easily given out my number and could have told him where we had moved to. "Shit."

"You have to tell your dad." I looked up at Dylan. "We have to press charges."

I glanced away and nervously ran my hand through my hair. "No, with the wedding coming up and my dad trying to get use to his new job, there is enough stress going on." I didn't want any pressure put on my dad's shoulders at the moment. "But if he comes back then I promise we will, okay?"

Dylan hated the idea. "Demi," He waited till he had my undivided attention. "If he ever talks to you again, then I'm going to tell your father, regardless of what you say, so I suggest that you tell him now."

I shook my head in agreement. Surely Ethan was just passing by and he will be gone by tomorrow and it will all be forgotten about. "What are we going to tell our parents?" Dylan looked at me confused. "About our faces. Makeup will easily cover mine but we can't exactly cover your face up with makeup."

"It's fine." He lightly brushed his lips against my for head. "I'll tell them I got into a fight with Brent."

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