Fridays With...

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This fanfic is brought to you by Abraxos

My best friend since freshman year, thank you for being so supportive of all my misadventures. Love you!

Now, the story continues...


"How's it going bros?!"

                Remember how I said collaborations with other channels was sooooooooooooooooo frustrating because I feel the need to censor myself?

"My name is--"

              Well, there's one channel where that censorship has not, does not, and will continue not to apply.

"Pewwwwwwwwwwwwdipiiiiiiiiiiie!" Felix wiggled his fingers in front of his face. "Welcome to FRIDAYS WITH PEWWWWWDIPIIIIE. I will be reading comments today, and joining is the the insanely insane QuietPsycho."

                "What up, what up?" I held up the piece sign with both hands and stared at the black lens of the camera. "Yesterday, Pewds and I went on twitter and--" I started to say. "No, no." Felix shook his head in disappointment. "What?" I asked, a smile creeping across my face. "You gotta put some respeck on dat." he slapped his hand against the computer desk, then made the 'ok' symbol with both his hands like Donald Trump. "You must address me as 'The Wildly Popular Pewdiepie." and I laughed. "And you must suck my d***. Sorry Marz!" I yelled through the door frame, falling over and laughing when I saw the despair on Felix's face. It was fake, I know, but still funny. These are gonna be some sick edits, I thought to myself as I looked back at the camera. "Anyway, we went on twitter and asked you guys to tweet us some questions using the hashtags #AskPewds and #PsychoAnalyzeMe."

               "And within just a few minutes, we got a bunch of them, so now we BOUT TO READ THIS S***!" he yelled into the camera.

                Felix and I had known each other for about a year, and that was only because Marzia (or Marz, as I called her) had introduced us. Now, me and Martzia went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. When I was in middle school, I lived with my father in Italy for two years. And who would have guessed that I made friends with the one and only--CutiePie herself. I could speak phenomenal Italian, so the language barrier wasn't a problem. The problem was when I had to move back to America. So, amidst our goodbyes, we exchanged email addresses and skype names, keeping moderately frequent contact over the years. Then all of a sudden, Marz was like "I want you to meet my boyfriend," and I was all like "lol sur." And So I met Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg.

                 At first, Felix and I didn't get along; I thought he was a total pig because every joke that came out of his mouth was either sexual or offensive. But over the past few months, I started to appreciate his honesty and boldness about everything, and found in him a companion that I could confide in. And then, one day, after he found out a did youtube (this was when I had about 6 million subscribers) he invited me to do a video with him. Let's just say that Marzia playfully regrets ever making us friends. 

              "I'ma go first," Felix proclaimed, pulling out his phone. I frowned, "How come you go first?" I asked playfully, my arms folded across my chest. He looked at me seriously, "My f***ing channel. YOU GOT PROBLEM?!" he snapped sassily in front of my face. I made dead eye contact with him until he began to glance away every now and again. "Helen, what the f***?" and we fell out of our seats laughing. Two minutes later, we were upright again. "We're gonna have to edit out that fall." he laughed. 

"Totally," I agreed. 

                 "Anyhoes," Felix laughed. "+SarahIlemonady..." he paused, then looked back at the camera. "What kind of last name is that? You tryin' ta be fancay, SARAH?"
                  "No, dude, that's a NigaHiga thing." I backhanded him on the shoulder softly. He frowned, "The 'Roast Yourself Chanllenge' guy, that NigaHiga?" he asked, and I nodded. He just stared at the camera until we once again erupted with laughter. "Okay, okay, let's be serious about this." Felix pasted on his most serious face. "Sarah asked 'When will you play more horror games?" he sighed and looked at the camera. "When I grow the balls, Sarah. When I grow the balls." and I giggled.

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