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This fanfic was brought to by jenna20060219

Thanks for the vote, babe, and welcome to the Misadventures family!

Now, the story continues...


"Mark..." I breathed.

              How I got into this situation of being against the wall of a closet, breathing the name of someone who I was only friends with an hour ago, I can only guess. But that moment was a moment of ecstasy.
                "Yeah?" He whispered back to me, hand creeping from my shoulder towards my waist. I let my mouth find his again and bit his lip. He groaned, grabbing my waist with both hands, and tighter. "Mark," I breathed again, desperate. "Yeah?" he asked again, agitation and desperation in his voice.
                I smiled. "Someone's gonna open the door soon. It's only seven minutes, remember?"

Oh yeah. That's how.

Earlier that evening.

"The score is now 560-354."
                "Helen won...again!" Matthias snickered as everyone hid smiles from Mark.
                 Tonight had officially become game night, and all the greats were here: Sean, Team Edge, Felix, and Wade (and everyone's significant other (as applicable)). And in every game--EVERY GAME--I'd been number one. The score that J-Fred had called out was a Black Ops kill count. Get rekt, Markimoo.
             "Okay, I'm officially convinced that you're not even human," Sean popped a boneless chicken wing in his mouth as the group laughed. Amanda, Matthias's wife and the mother of his child, slapped her jeans. "Welp, I think we've exhausted the video game playing." and everyone nodded in agreement. "Anyone have any other ideas?"
              "Well, I've always wanted to play that one game from middle school,7 minutes in heaven?" Bryan looked around for approval, and surprisingly, everyone nodded.
              My eyes bulged involuntarily. "But most of everyone is in a relationship. Isn't that...weird?" I asked. Marzia shrugged and Sean laughed, "Could be fun," he said, as loud as ever. I looked from one person to another; the only other uncomfortable looking person in the room was Mark. Majority ruled. "Okay, I guess..." And the group did a mini cheer.

                "Okay, so the way this works is that the girls are gonna leave the room and the guys are gunna put something that belongs to them in this hat," Wade said, holding up a classic top hat. I rose an eyebrow. "You just happened to have a top hat?" I questioned.
               "You never know when you might have to be a magician. Anyways," Wade smiled. "one by one, the girls are gonna pick one object from the hat, and whoever the object belongs to, they have to spend 7 minutes in a closet with that person. Got it?" and everyone nodded.

~~~Matthias's POV~~~

            I watched as the girls left the room, Amanda giving me a small nod as she closed the door.
Mission I-Ship-It initiated.

          I nodded at Wade, glancing in Mark's direction. Wade nodded back, then smiled at everyone. "Alright everybody, you got your objects?"
          As planned, everyone pulled out an object almost immediately. Everyone except Mark. "Oh! Uh..." Mark struggled to find something. I ushered everyone to hurry and put their items in the top hat. Then, ever so discreetly, Wade switched the full hat with an identical one.
"Does this work?" Mark asked.

~~~Helen's POV~~~

            "Alright, we're good to go!" I heard Felix yell from the other side of the door.
             Marzia smiled and looked at all of us. "Whoever goes in first has to pull first..." she said in her high, Italian accent. Everyone looked from one to another.

Then everyone looked at me.

           "Oh, come on, you guys!" I exclaimed. "I'm the only single one here!" and the group laughed, Amanda opening the door slightly and ushering me in. "That's why you should go. Now go!" she whispered, and everyone else giggled.
              "Took ya long enough," Sean joked. I rolled my eyes and, if I wasn't mistaken, saw Amanda nod discreetly at Matthias, who side-glanced Wade. I shook my head; it was probably nothing.

           Wade held out the hat to me, "You came in first, so you gotta choose first. Go ahead." he said as he held the top hat out to me. I smiled, "Okay dokay," I said, reaching into the hat. Grabbing what seemed to be the only object in the hat.
            As my hand lingered, the air seemed to be sucked out of the room and I suppressed a giggle. Pulling my hand from the hat, I inspected the object, and laughed. "One Punch Man key chain? Groovy. So who am I spending 7 minutes with?"

"That would be me, I guess."

                 My eyes bulged; of course it'd be Mark.
                 "Well, I guess since it's my house that I should lead you to a closet, but there aren't any closets in my game room." He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. I almost sighed with relief, but J-Fred opened his mouth. "Don't you have a closet in the hallway? I think I stumbled into it when trying to find your bathroom once." he said, making me groan in my head.
               By the expression on Mark's face, he was doing the same. "Right. Follow me I guess," and everyone piled out in the hallway and took three steps to stand in front of the closet door.

              Bryan took out his phone and set a timer. "Time starts when you guys go in. Remember; 7 minutes." and he winked. Mark rolled his eyes and I let out a little giggle as he opened the door. "After you." He smiled.
              Once he'd closed the door behind us, I felt the confines of the enclosed space, the darkness enclosing on us.

               "So what do we do now?" I heard Mark ask. I could only barely make out face. There was only a sliver of light from the crack in the door hinge, and the light that filtered in rested upon his eyes. They seemed as soft as there were brown, and I let out a breath. "We technically don't have to do anything. The game is to get you to kiss the person you're in here with, but its not obligatory; we could just stand here."
              "Ah," I heard him say, a tinge of what seemed to be disappointment in his voice. I smirked. "You don't sound pleased. Did you wanna kiss me or something?" I laughed quietly. To my surprise, he didn't join in. "Mark?"
               "It'd be cool if I did...wouldn't it?" He asked. All I could see was his eyes, and the changing expressions within them. I couldn't speak: what the h***? "Um...I..." was all I could manage. I felt a hand--his hand--cup my cheek. "I wont make things weird." I heard him whisper.

I felt something soft touch my lips.

                  It was exotic. The most exotic thing I'd ever experienced in my life. The taste of cherry soda still lingered on his lips and filtered into my nose, mixed with his cologne. I should pull away, I thought, trying to convince my body, but my hands reached out and pulled him closer.

"Mark..." I breathed.


Soooooooooo yeah.


Updates to come, but until then, keep on misadventuring. Bon voyage!

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