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Sorry guys this is not an update but i will tell you that idk when i will update again i will make time for another update i have no particular day of updating but i can assure you that it will be a long story... okay then i will introduce my self and my other half okay...

Author : hi my name is Nekotara or you can identify me as the name Joker . Nice to meet you . I live in Indonesia at a hospital specify for well... uhm... mental illness . Well they say that my sanity is well healthy but for my other half well not so much . We have different memories so... i apologize if she well make you mad or things like that so thx for listening I'll see you later . And I apologize for what she will say next . Ciao~~~!♡

Other Half : yo ! The names Melody call me Queen for short . I like killing animals or if I'm lucky a person . If you mortals didn't know our nicknames is based out of cards cuz she likes having fun playing and always winning and i like to gamble and such we never lose a game of cards . And i call you all mortals cuz I'm already dead heart and soul . Well i hope that that stupid girl don't make me come out and make me write this awful thing again . So am I supposed to say thx like that girl . Okay then thx . See you never .

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