Part 3

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Okay I maybe will add some Hetalia characters and stuff in this story but meh... who am i kidding let's get writing people !!!

Oh... and sorry to much homework and exams... so... yeah...

2p england : popet , don't make me wait or should i stuff you in to my cupcakes ~

Okay !!! Bye people enjoy the story !!! *start running from 2p england*

~time skip after school is over ~

Ace's P.O.V.

Well I'm bored what can I do now . I have more liberty than Yui for some reason . So i walk around the park . It's nice to have a relaxing time for once in a while . ' wait a second... OMG !!! I FORGOT I HAVE A JOB HERE !!! " . ( a/n oh yeah I forgot to mention that thing in the first chapter but meh... ) . I rush to the mansion and wear a red top , black jeans , black jacket and a pair of red convers snickers . I bump in to Ayato and Kanato at the way out but when they call me i just shrug it off .

I call a taxi and go to a big building that have a sign that says ' Vanishia's Business ' . ' wait i think i have heard that name before . Well I don't care . ' . I come in and start walking towards the counter " uhm... I'm sorry but can i speak to the owner of this company ? ". "Well yes miss you can . Please wait while i make the arrangement . " she say that while motions me to the waiting room . "No need ma'am i have already called 4 months ago . The name there should be Ace Crimsoncard ma'am . " . After she check it she guide me to the 9th door on the left and she knock it 3 times .

"Yes... , come in please . " . I open the door and see two young girls one with blonde hair and the other one with white hair . 'Wait have i seen them before ? And when ? ' .

The white haired girl turns to me and say " Oh my... dear sister... i think that's the girl from school . " .

" Yes... I belive so... sister "

Oh... now I remember wait what was her name again Joker and Queen maybe . Wait they are my bosses !!! My classmates is my bosses !!! Oh god , what next i have to be a servant ! " Hey... you want to work in our company right... " Queen say

" U-uhm... Hai ! " . Then the girl named Joker walks towards me and put a finger under my chin . " Hmmm... well~ you know what our job here right ~? " . " No , I don't . "

" Urgh... Queen explain to her what she will do here ! "

" Yes... sister . Follow me please Miss. Ace... "

I follow her to a room far from the main room . The door have a sign that says ' do not enter if you're not ordered by the boss ' . She opens the door and motion me to come in . I step in and the first thing i realized that the room is pitch black . She close the door and turn on the lights . ' Wow ' the room is full of snipers , knifes , daggers , crossbows , swords , bombs , and many more .

" You... like it... Ace ? "

" Well yes do you have the rare copy of the real ww2 german third reich dress dager ? "

" well... yes it's my favorite dagger of all... do you want to see it Ace... ? "

" Yes please ! Ahm... if you don't mind . ". She walks to the back room and open a case and take out the dagger and walk back to me and show it . One thing that is in my mind is ' OMG... that's so beautiful , perfect , gorgeous and... stuff... ' .

" It's beautiful isn't it... ? "

" Yes , breathe taking... "

" Okay since you now work for us... you can choose to be a weapon cleaner or an assassin ... . Now pick your choice... "

Do you really have to ask... well it's cool to clean and hold all of this weapon but , seriously denying to be an assassin !!! Who dumb person will deny that work .

" I will choose to be an assassin if you please . "

" Right , of course... "

We walk back to the main room and open a door and inside it's a gym ' wait a gym ? ' . Inside many people is practicing one on one combat . Well not with a person but with a ROBOT !!!

"Ace darling... will you please come here. We have to see your combat skills . " Joker call me and motion me to follow her . When she stop she looks back at me and then the crowd and say " ALL OF YOU MOVE FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE GYM !!! We have a new assassin now and i want to see her fight !!! Ollie please be a dear and fight with her~ "

And then a man come to her . He has a blond hair , neon blue eyes and i realized that he is wearing a pink vest underneath is a white dress shirt , a cute light blue bow tie around his neck and black trousers .

" Oh... popet you want me to fight this doll . " he looks at me and smirk " okay popet , i accept it . Let's go shall we doll ?" .


Okay so... it's short but it's better than nothing right and I'm so sorry i can't publish enough cuz . School life is so difficult .

Mkay bye dolls~

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