Chapter 2

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"Here's another one guys!"

An unknown lady said.

The lady had short black hair and her eyes were green.

"Are you okay kid?"

The lady said in a worried voice.

Everything was still a bit blurry.

I looked at the lady an nodded.

"She's alright"

She yelled to someone.

The lady was wearing a police uniform.

I suddenly renembered everything, Nathan, Chloe, the gun, death.


I jumped up in panic, screaming bloody murder, wanting to leave and search for Chloe, wanting to know if she was okay.

The lady police officer grabbed my arms.

Then i saw it, a white body bag, Chloe.

laying on the bathroom floor, a puddle of blood. I wanted to run to Chloe, hold her, tell her everything that had happened this week, tell her what happened to her dear Rachel A, wanted to tell her how close we became in just one week.

The police officer pulled me out of the bathroom by my arms,

The whole school was empty.

it was so eerie, the school was always so alive and there were always people talking or laughing here, but now, everything was silent, and the Missing Person posters weren't helping much either.

The lady police officer looked at me.

"Can you tell us anything about that girl?"

She asked.

On one side i wanted to punch this lady in the face:

'that girl'  had a name.

I took a deep breath.

"C-Chloe, Chloe P-Price"

I cringed inwardly at the name, i already missed her so much.

The lady police officer grabbed  a small notepad and scribbled some things down.

"Do you know what Miss Price and Mister Prescott were doing in the bathroom?"

I took a deep breath again, about to burst out in tears i said;

"Something about some kind of deal, Nathan got mad, then he shot her-..."

I started crying.

The lady police officer looked at me and gave me a warm hug.

"Its gonna be okay kiddo"

She said and looked at me.

"What's your name?"

She asked and smiled at me.

"M-Max Caulfield"

I said and wiped a tear away from my cheek.

"Were you a friend of Chloe's?"

The lady asked.

I silently nodded.

"Okay, enough for today, you can go now..."

The lady police officer said.

I stepped out of the door, i saw a load of students in front of Blackwell, some of them laughing and talking, others silent because of the loss of one of their friends, and ofcourse there were the skater dudes, and they were like always, skating. Then suddenly i noticed a large group sitting by a tree, listening to someone. Kate, Victoria and some other of my friends were there, so i walked to the group of people. when Kate turned around and saw me she ran to me and gave me a hug. "Oh My Lord, Max are you okay?" I didn't even want to talk for this moment, i just hugged Kate and cried on her shoulder. "Chloe is...-" i bursted out in tears once again. "Its okay Max, its okay..." Kate said in a calm voice and hugged me tight. Even Victoria came running to me and she gave me a hug.  "Were you in there when it all happened?" Victoria asked worried. I nodded, which only made Kate hold me tighter. When Kate let go of me i walked to the group of people, i still couldn't see who they were listening to, but the voice of the person sounded so nice, almost heavenly. Then suddenly the voice said: "Max?" The person jumped up. I looked at the girl, she was just as tall as me, she had long blonde hair, and beautiful eyes. i didn't recognise this person, but this person clearly did recognise me. But then, i saw the blue feather earring. "R-Rachel??" I stuttered. Rachel smiled at me and stepped over a few people, she hugged me. "Oh my doG, you are okay..." she said relieved. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, seeing this girl, the famous Rachel Amber, that we all thought was dead, seeing that she was okay, I dunno, it gave me a great feeling. When i hugged her back, i noticed that she was so skinny i could feel her bones. I looked at Rachel, and she smiled at me. "Chloe is-" "I know.." She knew? How? "But how did you-" "Nathan told them where I was, and they told me what happened to Chloe..." a tear rolled out her eyes. "Are you crying?" Victoria asked. "No,  I'm not.." Rachel sweeped the tear away and looked down. Suddenly Joyce came running to us, her mascara was smudged and she was crying. "Oh my doG, Rachel, Max, you are both okay!" She hugged us both. When Joyce let go of us, she ran inside. Rachel looked up at me. "Hey, um, I'm gonna say goodbye to Chloe okay?" Rachel put her hands in her pockets and followed Joyce into the building. "Rachel, wait!" I ran after her. "I wanna say goodbye too..." She grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together. We walked inside and walked to the bathroom where Chloe was shot. David and Joyce walked out of the bathroom, both crying. A police officer stopped us when we wanted to walk in. "Sorry, you can't come in here.." The officer said. "We are her friends" Rachel said, wanting to slip past the officer. "Missy, you ain't coming in here, this is a crime scene" "Friggin' asshole!" Rachel said and turned around, walking out of the building. I followed her. "Why did you say that?!" I asked her as soon as we were outside. "'cuz he is a friggin' asshole..." I grinned.


Hey Guyz, sorry, this was a bit of a messy chapter, i didn't really

have any inspiration... Xxx -E

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