Chapter 4

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She's a-a-a-antisocial
She's an angel yeah

My face was buried in my pillow, and the song played as my alarm. Without even looking i managed to grab my phone and slide on the screen to put my alarm off. I rolled over and got my hair out of my face. I looked into the mirror and decided that i officially looked like a zombie, I grabbed the waterbottle from my nightstand and drank some of it. I looked into the mirror again, and saw that i forgot to take my makeup off last night. "Great, well done Rachie..." I whispered to myself. I renembered how last night ended, how me and Max were at the lighthouse, talking all night, Max even got a sick photo of the reflection of the moon in the water. Max and I also decided to be best friends, I don't even know, Max was kind of cute, the freckles, for example, adorable as heck... I don't know, but maybe last night was not just a bonding session with a new friend, maybe it was more? Did Max feel that spark too yesterday? Should i text her? No, Rach, priorities, lets get dressed first, and do not forget to take off your makeup from yesterday.

I looked in the mirror and nodded happily with the choise of clothes i had made, black ripped jeans, black crop-top with golden Batman logo on it, my hair braided and some makeup. I smiled at my reflection. "Damn girl, you look good..." I giggled and grabbed my phone, my bag and my black leather jacket. I really didn't know why, but black things really looked good on me. I opened the door but just when i wanted to close it behind me i caught a glimpse of my own black beanie. I thought for a second and then walked back into my room to grab it and put it on. I looked around the hallway, as normal on a tuesday morning it was pretty calm in the hallway because everybody was in class. I cringed at that thought, because there was something out of the ordinairy, all the students of Jefferson's class had a few weeks off, because Jefferson got arrested, and with all of the other things happening like with Chloe, the principal just decided to give Jefferson's students a whole week off. So probably all of Jefferson's students were still asleep. I walked to Max's room and gave a soft knock on the door. "Max?" I said and knocked again. "Are you awake?" I heard some noises inside of the room and soon after the door swung open. I giggled when i saw Max, i had probably woke her up, which kind of made me feel bad. "Goodmorning sunshine, did i wake you up?" I said while giggling. Max made a small grin at me. "Yeah, but it's fine, zombie Max needed to wake up anyways" She said and I smiled at her. "Hey, um, I kinda wanted to ask you if you wanted to go and grab breakfast with me at the Two Whales? my treat!" Max smiled. "Okay, sure! But first I got to get dressed and I got to take a shower and brush my teeth" I laughed. "Ah, pff! Who cares, ever heard of natural beauty, woman?!" I said and gave her a little push on her arm. "Yeah but not everyone is such an Aphrodite as you are Rachel..." I laughed. "Okay, okay, well, hurry okay? I am hungry!" I said and Max nodded and giggled. She grabbed her shower supplies and walked off to the showers. I sat down next to her door and put in my earbuds to listen to a few more songs of Blink-182.   

{ Hey guyz, so here is another short chapter of my story Chasing Dreams, i swear, the next chapter will be a whole lot more interesting, they will be talking alot, which makes you readers know a lot more about our little Rachie in this situation, and maybe there will be a kiss? Anyways, this is just a little chapter to make the story run more smooth. Oh yeah, the song in the beginning is called 'She's out of her mind' of Blink-182, I really think it's an awesome song, so really check it out! (And i kinda already thought the song might be about Rachel xD) And also you might have niticed i used the word 'Aphrodite', and for the ones of you who never really were into greek and roman mythology, Aphrodite is the godess of beauty ;) Okay anyways, Love you all, and i hope to see you all next chapter!! XXX-E :D }

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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