Chapter7: Date With Julius

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Izzy pov~
Okay I will give some credit that Islac is changing. I'm happy he is changing  for the better. "Hey Izzy!" I turned around smiling at Julius while holding my files. "Hey what's up?" "I was just wondering if you would like to go out to eat tonight?" He rubbed his neck shyly waiting for my answer. It would be great to hang with Julius. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of us going to dinner. "Of course. What time?" His smile became wider and I can tell he became confident. "Tonight at eight, beautiful?" I nod at him feeling redness come up my cheeks. "Alright see you then." He winked at me then Leaving. "Girl is that Julius?" I sat down the files and leaned on the wall with a smile. "Yes it is and he asked me out on a date." She walked fast over to me, pulling me In front of her. "What?! He's like a player!" I rolled my eyes shaking my head at her nonsense. Let me just get through the day with no judging..

7:35pm almost time for date night..
I got out the shower and flat iron my hair. I notice how long my hair was when it touch the end of my back. I put on a blue spaghetti strap dress with my back showing and ruffled at the bottom. I put on my silver open toe shoes that match my necklace and diamond earrings. I do light make up and spray cotton candy perfume on me. I took one glance in the mirror then grabbing my hand bag and phone going downstairs. "Mommy!" I turn around looking at my little man with Jamie's on and his Dino in his hand. "Hey baby! How's my little man?" He chuckled kissing my cheek. "I'm a big man mommy. Like daddy." I giggled kissing his check. "Where you going?" I later out smooth out my dress before looking up at him. I couldn't help how sexy he look. His blue button down shirt, black pants, blue vans, and  sun glasses. He look so-What the hell am I saying? Izzy your going out with Julius. Think about Julius. "I'm going on a date with Julius." I smiled a bit thinking about him. I look up to see his jaw clenching and and anger with sadness. It felt awkward and the tension is strong. "Well uh. You look beautiful." A blushed a bit loosing eye contact with him. " Thank you." The door belled ringer and I moved away to answer it. "Julius!" He turned around looking sexy.. His suit matching mines..   His hair laid back as well. "Wow you look.. Amazing." I smiled looking him up and down. "You look amazing to." He smiled and handed me a box. I opened it gasping at the diamond necklace. "Oh my! Juli you didn't have to do this." He chuckled and put it around my neck. "Sh, I wanted too. So ready?" I nod grabbing my bag and putting my arm around his.

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