Urie Sogami X Reader

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No ones P. O. V.

You were always the one sitting in the dark corner of the classroom alone. You were now sitting outside of the school in the garden. You saw a group of girls running towards your left they were yelling ,, Urie-kun '' or something like,, Senpai " . When you turned to your left you saw Urie Sogami. He was the playboy that was always with his fangirls, he was the one that you loved, the one that stole your heart. But you knew that you will never have a change with that boy, he had so many beautiful fangirls and the most popular girl in the school Helena loved him. She was a bitch honestly. She was bulling you, when she had a chance she always used it to make fun of you and her 3 clones Michaela, Maria and Simona always laugh their little asses off. You absolutely hated them.
♥time skip because I am now flying with Shiki and I'm ready to chop off his damn wings jk jk ♥

It was Friday you it was lunch time and Helena was calling you.

,,What do you want? " -you said.
,,Watch you mouth nerdass!! I am here to tell you to never show yourself to my Urie ever again.."- she said. Oh god this is going to be,, interesting "you thought.
,, What are you talking about I never even showed myself to him. And I'm not gonna listen to you. If I want I'm gonna show myself to him. Who are you to tell me what to do? "-you said to her. She started to yell something but you didn't pay attention to what she was saying.
,,Butterflies there is no need to fight . Tell me what's the matter "-someone said. You froze when you recognized the voice. It was Urie's.
,, Oh Urie-kun she was being mean to me she was calling me some mean words like bitch, pig and even whore. Please tell her to stop. I was just trying to help her out and she started talking at me "-she said and hugged Urie's arm. I was about to snap but Urie said something that blow my mind.
,, As much as I heard you were the one that was yelling at her and you said those mean words to her. Now can you please let me go? You are going to let your dirt on me. Now we don't want that butterfly do we? "- Urie said ,he pushed Helena off of him and he faked a smile.
,,Are you okay (Y/N) ?"- he asked me with worry in his beautiful golden ( or yellow IDK) eyes.
  (your P.O.V.)

,,Y-y-yes I-I-Im okay "- I said. God dammit .

,,Can you come with me for a minute my butterfly? "- he asked me.
,, O-o-okay "-i said and I started following him.
We were in one beautiful place it was out of the school ground.
,, My butterfly-no (Y/N) I have something to tell you. When I first saw you ,you were the most beautiful girl that I ever laid my eyes on. What I want to say is I love you (Y/N)."- He said to me.
,, I love you too Urie "- I said.
He then kissed me.
,,Will you be my girlfriend ?"-he said.
,, Of course I will...... Not "-you said.
,, What!?!But how!? Why?!"- he said shocked.
,, Im just kidding babe. Of course I will be your girlfriend. I mean you stole my first kiss and I'm not gonna let you go that easy "- I said and he smiled at me.
We kissed.

So that was the end of the first one-shot I'm so sorry if it bad but it's my first X Reader story . Hope you have a great day /night /morning.

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