You Want to Fight With Him

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I hated sitting at home while Scott was fighting off supernatural creatures. I wanted to help him but he always tells me no because he didn't want me to get hurt but I knew that I could defend myself but he couldn't seem to get that through his thick skull. Scott was about to go fight the Dread Doctors but I begging him if I could come with him but he wasn't budging. 

"Scott, please let me go just this one time. I am tired of sitting here not able to do anything. I want to help and I can't help when I am home binge-watching on Pretty Little Liars waiting for you to get back home." 

Scott sighed and grab his jacket putting it on his shoulders, "(Y/N) for the last time I am not risking you getting hurt so please do this for me and stay here. I am only doing this for your safety I can't have you getting hurt because of me." 

He puts his hand on my cheek and wipes his thumb across my cheekbone I look into his eyes which I knew I would regret instantly. 

I sigh and say," Fine. I'll stay but not because of you but because I need to finish season 5 of Pretty Little Liars." 

Scott laughs and presses his lips again to mine

"Thank you," he whispers against my lips, "I love you."

 I lightly peck his lips and say," I love you too. Now go kick supernatural ass."

 He gives me one last kiss and runs out the door to Stiles's jeep while I sit on the couch for another night of worry.


Since Stiles doesn't really fight it wasn't hard to convince him to let me help him since he mostly handled the research. It was late at night and I was still researching things on Chimeras as Stiles was lying in bed sleeping soundly which he deeply needed. I scrolled through the page to understand how chimeras worked and came about. As I was reading about the creation of chimeras from Greek mythology I felt arms wrap my shoulders. 

"(Y/N) what are you doing? You should be sleeping," Stiles whispers into my ear.

 I slightly laugh," Says you. I have said that to you multiple times but what do you do... you keep working and not stopping until you are asleep on the computer." 

This time, Stiles laughs and says," Well I want to protect you from the evil world of falling asleep on the computer."

 With that, he picks me up from the chair, bridal style, and places me on the bed.

 "Stiles I'm not tired I can do more research so you and Lydia have more off your shoulders." 

Stiles slid in the bedside and pulled his sheets over us. 

"Babe we can do research tomorrow. Right now we need to sleep." 

I sigh and say," Stiles we can't. We are wasting precious time and what if something happens tomorrow. Instead of helping our friends we are stuck here researching!" 

Stiles stays silent as he wraps his arms around me hoping to calm me down. 

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" 

I sigh again," I just feel useless. I am a simple human so the only thing I can do is research so when I am not doing research I feel like I am letting everyone down. I know it doesn't make sense but it's how I feel."

 "(Y/N) I know how you feel because I feel the same way. That is why I was so happy when I found you. I finally had someone in the pack that was similar to me and someone that can relate what I go through. (Y/N) you never have to feel useless because to me you are less than useless." 

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