You/He Gets Hurt

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I try to keep my business out of the supernatural but when your boyfriend is the head alpha it is hard too. Beacon Hills was falling apart and I felt that I was being pulled side to side. One side, the supernatural side, was getting killed and was looking for any support from the humans. While the other side, the humans or hunters side, were trying to convince me to join their side as they said that Scott would eventually hurt me. Of course, I ignored them and went to help Scott. Even though he told to stay out of it I couldn't do it and was staying at Scott's place to help him out. I could tell on Scott he was becoming nervous as he saw that the hunters were not breaking down or backing down. Grabbing his hand, he gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand lightly to tell me he is okay. I was going to tell Scott that we will be alright when the shots started going off. A sudden pain came to my arm as Scott dragged me to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Scott yells. 

I nod and hold on to my arm as Scott protects me. Suddenly, the shots stopped and the hunters retreated. Scott released me from his arms and lifted me from the ground.

"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" Scott whispers to me as he carries me to his bedroom.

 I nod and hiss as the pain increases and the blood starts to seep through my fingers to the floor. Scott now starts running up to his room as he kicks his door open and places me on his bed lightly. He rushes to the bathroom and grabs a first aid kit then coming back with a frown on his face. He begins to take all the materials out and moves my hand from my arm.

He sighs, "It's only a graze luckily."

 He begins to clean it up which makes me hiss. I see the crease between his eyebrows increase as he focuses on cleaning my arm. I bring up my other hand and run my thumb across the crease.

"You know, if you frown anymore you will have more wrinkles when you are older," I say laughing at the end. 

Scott smiles and places the band-aid on the graze and then wrapping if up with tape. Once he is done he cleans up everything and takes it to the bathroom. I follow him and wrap my arms around his waist as he stands as the bathroom counter.

"Scott, I'm okay. It was only a graze." I say kissing his shoulder. He sighs and turns around wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"It could've been more though. You could have got seriously injured. I can't have that happen to you." He sadly says. 

He cups my face and presses a kiss to my forehead as I breathe in his scent which always helps me calms down.

"You need to leave Beacon Hills. Please for me. I will come back for you when it's all over. I just can't let you stay here when you could possibly be killed because of me," Scott pleads with me.

 I look up into his eyes and see nothing but helplessness and sadness. I wanted to stay but now I knew that it would be too risky for me to stay here with all the hunters coming after the pack.

"Okay, Scott I will go. But you must promise me that you come back for me and don't let this pack, or you die."

"I promise."


One little cut. One tiny cut had Stiles carrying me out of the house rushing me to the emergency room. I accidentally nicked myself cutting fruit with a knife and Stiles thought I cut my finger off.

"Stiles, we don't need to go the emergency room. There is no need I only cut myself a little bit." I said as Stiles set me in the front seat. 

He stared at me with his big brown eyes and had a slight frown on his face.

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