Isaac and Brett: The Morning After

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I woke up with a smile on my face as I laid on Isaac's bed. I turn to feel for Isaac and all I felt were bed sheets underneath my hand. Slowly opening my eyes, I see no one next to me and the sunlight coming through the window. Hearing a loud bang downstairs, I run downstairs to see Isaac with multiple pots and pans everywhere and food all over his clothes. 

"Isaac, what are you doing?" I asked walking up to him. 

He sighs and put down the pan in his hand," I was trying to make you breakfast and bring up to you in bed but obviously failed." 

I smiled and giggled," You are so cute but you don't have to make my breakfast last night was perfect enough." 

He smirks and wraps his arms around me," Last night was perfect and I am so happy that it was with you." 

Smiling up at him I press my lips to his, "I am too."


I drew circles on Brett's chest as I thought about how amazing last night was. I couldn't smile at the thought of how last night signified such an important part of our relationship. 

"What's got you smiling so much?" I hear Brett ask. 

I lift my head onto his chest, "Just thinking about stuff." 

"Does it involve me?" 

I giggle and shake my head," Maybe."

 He wraps his arms tighter around me as he presses a kiss against the crown of my head. "

So, what do you want to do today?" He asks. 

I think about it and all I really wanted to do was lay in bed with him watching Netflix. 

"Let's watch Netflix all day." 

He chuckles," Okay. It's your day so we'll do whatever you want." 

I smile against his chest as I believed my life couldn't get any better but it just did. 

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