Meeting new people

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"Hey mates, I'm back!" Louis yells into the mansion.

"Did you bring us back a snack?" a new voice says.

"Yeah, did you?" another says.

Two boys walk into the room, It's Niall and Zayn! Another boy walks in and says "Oh man she smells delicious! better than any thing I've ever smelled before in all of my 4 years of being a vampire." Well there's Harry.

"No, she's is not for eating, well, at least not right now, and Harry before you even ask she's not for you or a present!" Louis says "Also where's Liam?"

"I'm here! And what smell so good?" Liam says as he walks into room.

"This girl apparently." Zayn says to Liam.

"What!? Guys you just can't go around kidnapping girls! Gosh, we're trying to keep a low profile!" Liam yells.

"But she smells so good! And I'm hungry!" Niall whines.

"Niall," Louis laughs, "you're almost always hungry."

"Yeah, but I'm extra hungry now!" he says. "Can't I just have one little drink?" he asks Liam.

"You'll have to, excuse me love, but could you possibly tell us your name, please?" Liam questions.

"It's Mary-Ann" I tell him.

"Thank you, You'll have to ask Mary-Ann if you can drink her blood." Liam says to him.

"Ok, Um, Can I drink your blood plueseeeeeeeee?" Niall plaeded in a baby voice trying to act cute.

I chuckle and say "yeah I guess you ca-" Before I can even finish the sentence, Niall's on me, drinking my blood. Two minutes later Niall licks at the bite and with electric blue eyes, says to me "Feel what you do to me, love, you're delicious." With that he puts my hand on the thick bulge pressing against the zipper of his britches.

Then I do the dumbest thing i've ever done...yet, I yank my hand out of his grip and slap him upside the head. He growls. Oops!

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