Knight in Shining amour

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Needless to say you were clumsy, ditzy, left footed, call what you will, but all in all, you were clumsy. Just tied your shoes? Nope, apparently not tight enough, then you would trip and fall. Is there a counter or table waist level? You would bump into it. You name it, you would probably get hurt by it or break it or, well, you can imagine what can happened. But ever since you started to date Lance, he would always be there catch you. Literally, like, when you would trip he'd catch you in his arms. He would stand between you and the table/counter so you wouldn't hit your hips on the edge (to be honest he loves your hips. He doesn't want anything to happen to those.) One day you were helping Pidge (aka adorable sassy space baby) with some of her tinkering. Lance walked in, "Hey Pidge, hello my beautiful girlfriend." He winked and slung a arm over your shoulders. This made you blush, that usually happened when Lance got like that. "Hey (y/n), can you stand up on that ledge up there and hold this?" She handed you a weird device, "Sure" you said in a cheerful tone, Lance seemed a bit skeptical about it but, let you go anyways. You stood on the ledge and held the device, you got a bit nervous since you didn't know what Pidge was doing, and you were about 10 feet high. "Okay, now (y/n), can you take, mmmmm, about two steps to your left?" You nodded and did as told, almost slipping in the process. Lance seemed on edge, well to be honest, he was really, really, really, worried. His clumsy, yet very beautiful girlfriend was standing on a ledge, and you almost. Freaking. Fell. "No, no, I meant the right, sorry." Pidge said as she typed away at her computer. You sighed and did as told, but this time you lost your footing and fell off the ledge. (Dun, dun, dunn. Lol, jk guys) You shrieked, you braced your self for the fall, but it never came. You opened your eyes and saw Lance staring down at you. He caught you in his arms. He looked like he was scared half to death, which he was. The scariest part for him wasn't that you were falling, it was that brief moment that he didn't think that he wouldn't reach you in time. You flashed him a sheepish grin. He released the breath he was holding for so long. "Pidge, I do not appreciate you trying to kill my wonderful girlfriend!" He looked angrily at the girl. She apologized and left. "You okay babe?" Lance said looking down at you with concern, you giggled and nodded. "Where would be without my knight in shining armour?" You said in a cheerful tone, he grinned his goofy grin. "I like that, well, fear not my fair maiden. For your knight has come to save you." He kissed your check, and you giggled. He set you down on your feet and the both of you went about your day. Well, Lance kept calling you princess and he was pretending to be a knight. Not that you minded it, you actually thought it was cute.

An: hey guys sooo this was my one shot! I hopeyou liked it. If you want to request then just say what you want in the comments below and I'll do my best to fulfill your wishes. Soooo, yeah, love you guys! Bye!

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