"Yes doll?"

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Anonymous asked:

Keith calling his bae "doll" surprise make out as result

That sounds awesome, and adorable, and something Keith would call his s/o. I have seen a few headcons for this but not a lot one shots or imagines, so, I'll do it! Hope you guys enjoy! Btw it's called "Yes doll?"

You and Keith have been dating for a few months now and all in that time he's called you by his real name, not any pet names. You always guessed that he liked your name and felt like someine should be called by their own names. It never really bothered you alot, actually, you were greatful! Well, you see, you had this thing where whenever your s/o calls you something cute like, let's say, kitten, something like that, you get really turned on, like some innocent cuddling can turn into a heated make out session. Annnnndddd, that's what kinda happened when you and Keith were taking a ride in his lion. You weren't the kind of person to take a ride and do the do, I think we all know what that is. You were the kind for cuddling, braiding your s/o's hair, which you do to Keith, I mean come on, look at that hair it gorgeous. The farthest you would go in a un married relationship was heated make out sessions. And Keith knew that, and respected that, he himslef wasn't really different, he would just maybe go a little further, not that far! When Keith atopped the lion to look at the stars he pulled into his lap and snaked his arms around your waist. You stared at the stars in amazement, although you've been in space with the paladins for a while, space always found a way to amaze you. "Hey Keith," you said breaking the slience, "Yes doll?" There it was, doll, he called you doll, "(y/n), doll? You okay? You were about ask me something. What's wron-" He was cut off by your lips crashing onto his. He was surprised at first, but hey, he wasn't objecting. He kissed you back and your lips moved in sync. After a while you guys needed air (darn lungs needing air), you pulled apart and took in some air. He smiled,"That's one heck of answer" He smashed he lips on yours again, and this time making it a full on french kiss. You guys did this for a awhile, your hands in his hair, his hands on your hips. His hands pulled up your shrit a bit to reveal your soft, (s/c), skin. You felt his calloused finger tips on the skin, also the leathed of his gloves, you didn't stop him, no sir, you let him do as he pleased. His hands were about to take off your shrit until you both heard a deep growl. You ppulled away and Keith pouted, then the lion growled again, "Really red, really!" He said angrily to the mechanical feline. "What's wrong?" You asked, "Red said that if we wanna make out then not to do it while we're riding him." You sighed, "Well then, we sould go back to the castle." It toom less than a second for him to figure out what you ment. He smiled, "Then you should hold on tight." You wrapped your arms around him and he took off, back the castle

An: yeah, I basically copied amd pasted from my blog. Hop you guys liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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