Keith x reader: Bro, what the heck?

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   Being the sister of Lance was hard enough. Being the girlfriend of his "mortal enemy", as Lance called him (along with many other unruly names) was even harder. You see, Lance was already over protective, but he flipped when he found out you and Keith were dating. He walked in on you two when things were getting, well, let's say that it got a bit steamy. He literally picked you up and left, leaving behind a very confused and embarrassed Keith behind. You had to hold him back the next day so he wouldn't kill Keith. (He had his blaster out and everything.) Things only got worst from there, whenever you were with Keith, Lance would pull you away, not even making an excuse to pull you away. This usually ended in him and Keith fighting, sometimes you would have to hold back Keith while Hunk had to hold back Lance. One day you've had enough. The day started out normal, you woke up, got dressed and made your way to breakfast. Everyone was there but, Lance, 'great,' you thought, 'now I can spend time with my boyfriend with out my idiot of a brother getting in the way' You sat next to Keith who, greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. You heard Allura and Hunk go, "awwwww", and think you heard Pidge say under her breath, "My ship has sailed." Lance walked in, "Good morning everybody, good morning Allura, Hunk, happy couple,- wait happy couple?" He saw you and Keith talking and messing around with eachother. "Yeah no that's, not going to happen. No if this big brother has anything to do about it." He stormed over to you two, Hunk saw and said in a worried voice, "Oh no, oh no. It's going to happen again." Being Hunk he started to worry and hyperventilate. "Hello dear sister of mine." Lance sat in between you and Keith. "Hello mortal enemy." He looked at Keith with a death glare. "Bro, what the heck." Keith said in a very irratated voice. "What, I can't protect my sister from someone like you?" "What's that supposed to mean!?" "Lance, stop." You said trying to stop the fight. "Why, (y/n)? I mean, out of all the people to date in the whole universe, it had to be Keith? My mortal enemy?" "She can date who ever she wants to, okay!? You can't just control he life like that man!" "Looks who talking! You are just dating her to get to me! I bet you don't even love her!" That stung, it really did. You stood up and ran out of the room. "(Y/n)?" Keith said, "Look what you did Keith. You hurt my sister. I knew this would happen, you ruin everything." "I ruin everything?! You're the one who wouldn't let her make her own choices. You're being selfish. What would you do if was dating someone else? Would you pesk her like you did to her now?" "Of course not! Pretty much anyone is better than you!" "Then yell at me, okay?! Pesk me, do anything you want, just not to (y/n)! It hurts her to know that her big brother who she looks up to is yelling at her because she's making he own choices. If you want to pretend that were enemies then, be my guest. But, don't take out your anger on (y/n)!" He huffed and ran after you. Lance was left there awestruck. "Does I really yell at her guys?" He asked, his voice cracking. Pidge nodded, "You have raised your voice at her when you and Kieth are fighting. I don't know if you ment to yell at hed but you did." "Keith's right Lance. You've got to let her make her own choices. Also, she's really happy with Keith. If you care about her then yousl should know that's she happy. And be gald that's she happy." Shiro said in his serious tone. Lance nodded and went after you and Keith. He found you and Keith sitting close together, his arm around you. He heard you sniffling, 'God, I made her cry. And guess who's here when I can't be. Fricking, Keith.' He recalled what he said to him before you ran off. ' "I bet you don't even love her!" Why did I say that? Stupid, stupid.' He walked behind you two, "ahem," you turned to face him, eyes red from crying. "I'm sorry (y/n). I shouldn't have been like that to you or, Keith. (Y/n), I have no right to take control of your love life or, your life in general. I'm, really sorry." You smiled and stood up. You gave him a gaint huf, he laughed and hugged back. Keith stood off to the side and smiled. "Don't think that your missing out on this mister." You said knowing Keith doesn't hug much. He sighed and joined in, he burried himself in your hair. "This is nice and all but, (y/n), I need air." Lance said breaking th moment. You let go and he dramatically gasped for air. You laughed, and punched him a playful way. He grabbed the arm you punched and pretended to be hurt. "Wow woman, you have more strength then I guve you credit for. Watch out Keith." He said the last par in a jokingly. (Idk, iz that even a word?) He walked away and smiled, knowing that you were happy, and being the best big brother, that made him happy. Although, he would have to make sure nothing to "serious" happened between you two. 

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