Bachelor In Paradise || 4

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His Sister Opened the door smiling, "Come In!" I gave a gentle nod, slowly walking into the Huge bedroom.. Pursing my lips... Holy shit.. Her bedroom is the size of my house! She followed and Plopped onto the bed, Following her lead.. I did the same... She looks at me and smiles.. "So How has Izzy Been? Ever since.. Ya know.." She asks softly.. At least she cared!

"She been Better.. Still aching though.. She's hanging with her brothers tonight.. so she should have some fun watching movies and all" I said smiling... Dreadfully wishing I was there with her on the inside... Oh well..

"And how do you feel? That was a pretty hard Slap.." She smiles softly, letting out a gentle Laugh.. Doing the same I replied, "I'm doing good.. Just a bit surprised on my part.. because uh.. I don't usually slap  people.."  I laughed softly, Hiding the nerves in my stomach..

She nods softly.. "Anywho.. we all dress up for Dinner.. so I was wondering if I could pick something out for you!" She said Cheerfully with a giggle...

"Yeah Of Course!" I sat Crisscross, Looking to her as she got up, Walking to her Large Closet.. She searched through her dresses and finally pulled one out.. "Does this work?" She Held out a pastel-pink, Side-strap dress.. That had a beautiful Flowing bottom.. "Yeah of course!" I Said smiling.. She walked to the bed handing it to me.. Her smile widens as she points to the bathroom before mumbling, "Go put it on!!"

I Scrambled to the bathroom, Putting it on Quickly.. And soon enough.. I walked out of the bathroom slowly.. pursing my lips...

Soon, She began to Curl my long Wavey Hair.. And Did my make-up Perfectly... I walked to her mirror after she finished and smiles softly.. Woah.. Just whoa..

Soon She stepped beside me smiling.. "I'm Haliegh, By the way.." I gave her a nod before turning to her, "You look beautiful, By the way.."

She looked at me and furrows her eyebrows, "Have you seen what you look like? You are like a Barbie Doll!" She smiles as the door opens.. I Turned quickly letting out a soft groan as he looks at me.. He freezes for a moment.. The shook his head out of it.. "Dinner's Ready.." He closed the door heading to the Kitchen.. Sitting at the Set dinner table, with a huge meal set out for us all..

Haleigh and I Arrived and took our Places. Looking at the many people sitting on the long table.. And soon the Feast that they call 'Dinner' Began..


Haleigh and I Laughed, Plopping onto the couch as she yelled, "I'M SO FULLLLL" Which cause both of us to laugh more.. We both changed into comfy clothes.. I was in a T-Shirt and Sleep shorts, And she was in a Tank Top and Sleep Pants.. "wait.. what time is it?" She looked to me as I checked my phone. "7:58 Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow..

"Bachelor In Paradise comes on at 8!" She said Scrambling to get the TV on.. Ahh.. The one show that makes love looks fake.. in my opinion.. But it was funny to watch so why not!

I sat back with a smirk.. Watching her scramble through the Channels now..


Hey Babes! So yeah!

Your Author and Unicorn Mother - R A Y R A Y

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